In the Icy Morning


A poem by Madhuri


In the icy morning
I sit as nothing
to do nothing.
Swathed in shawls
wearing a magic blindfold –

Like pond life
a billion tiny twinklings
live within my body.
Up top, mindstuff slews about
worried, or trying
to grab things to address.
A thought of raw dark chocolate.
My body warms
in the silk cocoon.

Outside the window
the snowy hill
climbs towards sky.
The air is fresh and still.

In the icy morning
I sit as a propped-up, straight-backed
shape –

A dark stratosphere
lives in me
all twinkling with stars.

That piece of raw dark chocolate
calls to me from breakfast.
The hill outside
pulls at my shoulder:
Come out walking,

All of this is good –
This tiny universe
of nothing much,
just jostling, stilling,
the way it is –
held –
alive –

January ‘23, Luddendenfoot

Featured image by Elena Leya on Unsplash


Madhuri is a healer, artist, poet and author of several books, To Hills and Waterfalls: a Californian in Calderdale being her latest one.

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