Horoscope for the Month of Gemini 2024


This month’s horoscope by Phoebe with quotes by Osho from the series And the Flowers Showered; “There is no way to find truth, except through finding it!”

Gemini Mandala
‘Gemini’ © by Deva Padma, available as fine art print from devapadma-prints.com

Phoebe would like to point out that we all have all the twelve zodiac signs in our horoscope – some with planets in them and some are empty – meaning some of the themes addressed are in the foreground and some in the background of our lives. “I recommend readers to read all twelve quotes, not just their star sign, for a wider perspective on the themes of the month,” she says.

Planetary Positions

Sun in Taurus enters Gemini on 20th May.
New Moon 6th June in Gemini. Full Moon 23rd June in Sagittarius.
Mercury in Taurus enters Gemini on 3rd June and Cancer on 17th June.
Venus in Taurus enters Gemini on 23rd May.
Mars in Aries enters Taurus on 9th June.
Jupiter in Taurus enters Gemini on 25th May.
Saturn in Pisces.
Uranus in Taurus.
Neptune in Pisces.
Pluto retrograde in Aquarius.
Chiron direct in Aries.

Mood of the Moment

“There is no way to find truth, except through finding it!… Mind is just like a breeze continuously flowing, and the flame goes on wavering… When your consciousness is an unmoving flame you know the truth. Nobody can give it to you, and… it is beautiful that truth is not transferable in any way. Unless you reach it, you cannot reach. Unless you become it, you never have it!”
Osho, And the Flowers Showered, Ch 2


“While anger is happening if you suddenly become conscious, it drops. Try it. Just in the middle, when you are feeling very hot… suddenly become aware and you will feel something has changed – a gear inside. You can feel the click… your inner being has relaxed. It may take time for your outer layer to relax, but the inner being has already relaxed. The cooperation is broken; now you are not identified.”

Osho, And the Flowers Showered, Ch 3


“Things can be possessed, thoughts can be possessed – truth is neither. Truth is being. You can become it, but you cannot possess it. You cannot have it in your safe, you cannot have it in your book, you cannot have it in your hand. When you have it you are it. You become truth. It is not a concept. It is a being itself!”

Osho, And the Flowers Showered, Ch 2


“What you know through the mind makes no difference; your consciousness remains the same. The more you know the less aware you become… You become original only when you transcend mind. When the mind is dropped and the consciousness faces existence directly, immediately, moment to moment in contact with existence, you become original. Then for the first time you are authentically your own.”

Osho, And the Flowers Showered, Ch 2


“The whole is your mother. The whole is not indifferent to you. Let this truth penetrate as deeply as possible in your heart, because even this awareness that the whole feels happy with you will change you. Then you are not alienated. Then you are not a foreigner here. Then you are not a homeless wanderer. Then this is a home… and the whole mothers you, cares about you, loves you!”

Osho, And the Flowers Showered, Ch 1


“The ego always asks for more… The very craving for more says, shows, that the ego feels impotent… The more power you gain the more powerless you feel in contrast. The richer you become the poorer you feel. The more healthy you are, the more afraid of death; the younger, the more you feel old age is coming nearer… Ego has never felt powerful. It only dreams of power!”

Osho, And the Flowers Showered, Ch 1


“Existence cares what happens to you. Existence is continuously praying that the ultimate should happen to you. In fact you are nothing but a hand extended by the whole to reach the ultimate… You are nothing but a flower opening so that the whole is filled with fragrance through you. If you can drop yourself, those flowers can shower this… very moment. Gods are always ready. Their hands are always full with flowers!”

Osho, And the Flowers Showered, Ch 1


“Who are you if you are alone? Nobody. Somebodiness comes in relationship with somebody. That means just to be nobody is to be in nature. Just to be nobody is to be in existence… Contemplate who you are. In your aloneness every concept drops. You cannot be anything. Then emptiness arises… This is one of the deepest meditations Buddha discovered.”

Osho, And the Flowers Showered, Ch 1


“Unconsciousness is a wandering outside; consciousness is a deepening of the inside… When anger is there, look, watch, and soon you will see a change… The anger has already started becoming cool, the heat is lost. Then you can understand that the heat is given by you. Your identification with it makes it hot… And the moment the identity breaks immediately the whole hot process becomes a cool process. Anger becomes compassion.”

Osho, And the Flowers Showered, Ch 3


“You would like to impress people that you have something, and it is difficult to impress them as far as things of this world are concerned, because those things are visible. It is easy to impress people about things of the other world because they are not visible… There is the problem because… if you are deceived by your own effort, then it will be almost impossible to bring you out of your sleep… because you think it is not a sleep, that you are fully awake!”

Osho, And the Flowers Showered, Ch 2


“To move in one direction you need an inner unity, a crystallized being. As you are you are a crowd, with many selves, with no unity… So even a very controlled man, disciplined, a man of character, of thinking, that man too never reaches the Way. He may be able to adjust to the society, but he is also unable to reach the Way from where the door towards the Divine opens.”

Osho, And the Flowers Showered, Ch 4


“Your personality is a social phenomenon. Your being is buried deep down under this personality. You need a shock so that the personality is thrown open, or for some moments you are identified with it no more and you reach the centre. There everything is empty. The whole art of meditation is how to leave the personality easily, move to the centre… Just to be and not be a person is the whole art of meditation, the whole art of inner ecstasy!”

Osho, And the Flowers Showered, Ch 2


“Nobody is responsible for you except yourself, remember. If you are mad you are mad – you have to sort it out… Go into solitary confinement… Simply relax and let things be, and watch, and make no effort to change anything… The very effort will continue to disturb things. It is just like sitting by the side of a river – the river flows, the mud settles, the dead leaves go to the sea, by and by the river becomes absolutely clean and pure!”

Osho, And the Flowers Showered, Ch 4

Phoebe Wyss

Phoebe Wyss is a regular contributor for the monthly horoscope and is the author of various books on astrology. astrophoebe.com

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