Horoscope for the Month of Leo 2024


This month’s horoscope by Phoebe with quotes by Osho; “Your heart is beating now. It cannot beat in the past; it cannot beat in the future. The heart knows only the present, hence it is utterly pure…”

LEO Mandala by Padma
‘Leo’ © by Deva Padma, available as fine art print from devapadma-prints.com

Phoebe would like to point out that we all have all the twelve zodiac signs in our horoscope – some with planets in them and some are empty – meaning some of the themes addressed are in the foreground and some in the background of our lives. “I recommend readers to read all twelve quotes, not just their star sign, for a wider perspective on the themes of the month,” she says.

Planetary Positions

Sun in Cancer enters Leo on 22nd July.
New Moon 4th August in Leo. Full Moon 19th August in Aquarius.
Mercury in Leo enters Virgo on 25th July and turns retrograde on 5th August.
Venus in Leo enters Virgo on 5th August.
Mars in Gemini.
Jupiter in Gemini.
Saturn retrograde in Pisces.
Uranus in Taurus.
Neptune retrograde in Pisces.
Pluto retrograde in Aquarius.
Chiron direct in Aries.

Mood of the Moment

“Your heart is beating now. It cannot beat in the past; it cannot beat in the future. The heart knows only the present, hence it is utterly pure… The mind is just the opposite of the heart… It goes on shuttling between past and future. It never stops at the present. It is utterly unaware of the present. For the mind the present exists not. See the point – the present is the only thing that exists, but for the mind the present is the only thing that exists not!”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 1, Ch 3


“Be individuals but not individualists, and there is a great difference. The individualist is not an individual yet. The individualist who believes in individualism is only an egoist. And to be an egoist is not to be an individual – just the contrary! The individual has no ego, and the ego has no individuality… Individual means indivisible, individual means integrated, individual means one… who is not multi-psychic, one who has attained to unity, one who has become a crystallized being!”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 1, Ch 6


“Go early in the morning to see the sunrise. Sit in the middle of the night watching the sky full of stars. Go, befriend trees and rocks. Go, lie down by the side of the river and listen to its sound, and you will be coming closer and closer to the real temple of God. Nature is his real temple. And there be possessed – don’t try to possess. The effort to possess is worldly; the desire to be possessed is divine!”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 1, Ch 2


“Truth cannot be possessed because it is not a thing. On the contrary you have to be courageous enough to be possessed by truth because it is a love affair… But you have been doing just the contrary. You have been trying to have a grip on it – that’s what mind always longs for… Truth comes, it cannot be brought. Truth happens, you cannot do anything about it!”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 1, Ch 2


“Religion is a rebellion, a rebellion against all that has been forced upon you, a rebellion against being reduced to a computer. Just look inside! Whatsoever you know you have been told. It is not your knowing. It is not authentic… Drop your knowledge and become innocent… To be in a state of not-knowing is innocence, and to function from that state is the only way to know the truth!”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 1, Ch 3


“Man is a potential god… Man is meant to become a god. Less than that won’t satisfy you, less than that is of no use. You can have all the money in the world, all the power, all the prestige possible and still you will remain empty unless your divine nature flowers, opens its buds. Unless you become a lotus, a one-thousand-petalled lotus, unless your divinity is revealed to you, you can never be contented!”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 1, Ch 3


“True love is a spontaneous welling up of joy in you, and the sharing of it, and the showering of it for no other reason, for no other motive than just the joy of sharing it. The birds singing in the morning, this cuckoo calling from the distance… The heart is just so full of joy that a song bursts forth. When I am talking about love I am talking about such love – remember it!”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 1, Ch 1


“Going in has become so difficult because… you only know how to go out. Your consciousness has been turned towards others. It has forgotten the way to itself. You go on knocking on others’ doors and, whenever it is said to you to go home, you say, ‘What do you mean?’… You don’t know your own home and you are carrying it within yourself…”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 1, Ch 3


“Make this moment a moment of bliss and the next will follow it, and the next life and the next world… And, when you see that you are responsible for your bliss, your bliss will be far more. When you see that nobody has given it to you, that you have not been a beggar, that it is not a gift from somebody else – because nobody has given it to you, nobody can take it away – when you see this you will be far happier!”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 1, Ch 3


“You have to become a great process, a growth… Without relating in some way to the ultimate truth your life has no foundation, no meaning, no significance. It cannot have any glory… You will remain a driftwood at the mercy of the winds, not knowing where you are going and not knowing who you are… The passionate search for truth creates the bridge.”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 1, Ch 1


“Man is asleep even while he thinks he is awake – he is not!… Unless the inner eyes open, unless your inside becomes full of light, unless you can see yourself who you are, don’t think that you are awake… We go on living absolutely inattentive to what is happening around us. Yes we have become very efficient in doing things… so efficient in doing it, that we don’t need any awareness to do it. It has become mechanical, automatic. We function like robots.”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 1, Ch 5


“Only light can dispel darkness. Love is light, the light of your being, and hate is the darkness of your being. If you are dark inside you go on throwing hate all around you. If you are light within, luminous, then you go on radiating light around you… If you want to do anything to darkness you will have to do something with light. Bring light in and darkness is gone!”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 1, Ch 1


“All thoughts are impure because a thought means you are thinking of the other, a desire has arisen… Only a no-thought is pure, because then you are utterly yourself, alone, nothing interfering… All thoughts are addressed to others. When you are in a state of no-thought you are alone and aloneness is purity, and in that aloneness happens all that is worth happening!”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 1, Ch 3

Phoebe Wyss

Phoebe Wyss is a regular contributor for the monthly horoscope and is the author of various books on astrology. astrophoebe.com

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