A Wu-Wei experience

Art Gallery

Shivananda’s most recent paintings in our online art gallery

010 80 x 80 cm - canvas - shown at Gallery Elpifos Arillas
020 19 x 17 cm, paper, mixed media
030 Adullam 9
040 29,5 x 20 cm - paper - mixed media
050 31 x 44 cm - paper - mixed media
060 31 x 43 cm - paper - mixed media
070 31 x 47 cm - Mixed Media - paper - sold
080 32 x 45 cm - paper - mixed media - sold
090 25 x 35 cm - paper - mixed media
100 32 x 45 cm - paper - mixed media - sold 2
110 29 x 44 cm - paper - mixed media
120 Arunachala - 29 x 44 cm - paper - mixed media
130 26 x 18 cm - paper - mixed media b
140 29 x 43 cm - Paper - Mixed Media
150 19 x 29 cm - paper - mixed media - sold
160 13 x 20 cm - paper - mixed media
170 20 x 29 cm - paper - mixed media b

For me, painting has become a wonderful meditation. It is now really a Wu-Wei experience… doing in non-doing. Non-doing is the basic state, and in this space the doing is happening โ€“ especially when I repeat patterns (such as triangles). After the third or forth triangle, the mind is no longer interested, and becomes silent!

010 25 x 42 cm - paper - mixed media
020 34 x 48 cm - paper - mixed media
030 19 x 26 cm - paper - mixed media
040 19 x 29 cm - paper - mixed media
050 20 x 26 cm - paper - mixed media
060 19,5 x 29 cm - paper - mixed media
070 19 x 23 cm - paper - mixed media
080 Adullam 15
090 Adullam 17
100 Adullam 2 - 21 x 28 cm - paper - mixed media b
110 19 x 25 cm - paper - mixed media
120 20 x 27 cm - paper - mixed media
130 18 x 29 cm - paper - mixed media
140 19 x 30 cm - paper - mixed media b
150 Adullam 13

The changes in colour are more of an inside experience. With the colours I simply feel guided.

Dancing Light ShivanandaDancing Light
Gallery Elpifos, Arillas, Corfu, Greece
12-17 September 2024, 8-11pm


Shivananda is a painter, graphic designer, singer and musician. shivananda.ch โ€“ heartsinging.ch

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