Horoscope for the Month of Scorpio 2024


This month’s horoscope by Phoebe with quotes by Osho; “Take life very playfully. Then you can have both the worlds together, you can have the cake and eat it too.”

'Scorpio' mandala by DevaPadma
‘Scorpio’ © by Deva Padma, available as fine art print from devapadma-prints.com

Phoebe would like to point out that we all have all the twelve zodiac signs in our horoscope – some with planets in them and some are empty – meaning some of the themes addressed are in the foreground and some in the background of our lives. “I recommend readers to read all twelve quotes, not just their star sign, for a wider perspective on the themes of the month,” she says.

Planetary Positions

Sun in Libra enters Scorpio on 22nd October.
New Moon 1st November in Scorpio. Full Moon 15th November in Taurus.
Mercury in Scorpio enters Sagittarius on 2nd November.
Venus in Sagittarius enters Capricorn on 17th November.
Mars in Cancer enters Leo on 4th November.
Jupiter retrograde in Gemini.
Saturn retrograde in Pisces turns direct on 15th November.
Uranus retrograde in Taurus.
Neptune retrograde in Pisces.
Pluto retrograde in Capricorn turns direct on 11th October.
Chiron retrograde in Aries.

Mood of the Moment

“Take life very playfully. Then you can have both the worlds together, you can have the cake and eat it too. And that is a real art – this world and that, sound and silence, love and meditation, being with people, relating and being alone. All these things have to be lived together in a kind of simultaneity. Only then will you know the uttermost depth of your being and the uttermost height of your being!”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 2


“Man has only one energy, that energy is sex… People are after money in the hope that when they have more money, they can have more sex… The person who is free of sexuality, whose sexuality has become a transformed phenomenon, is also free of money – is also free of ambition, is also free of the desire to be famous… The moment sex energy starts rising upwards, the moment sex energy starts becoming love, prayer, meditation, then all lower manifestations disappear!”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 4


“If you are against your body you are bound for trouble… The body is the visible soul and the soul is the invisible body… In your body is the water of the oceans, in your body is the fire of the stars and the suns, in your body is the air, your body is made of earth. Your body represents the whole existence, all the elements. And what a transformation! What a metamorphosis… and you have never marvelled about it! Dust has become divine. What greater mystery is possible?”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 1


“The meaning can be listened to only by the heart; the words can be listened to by the head… Listening through the heart means listening in love, in trust, in deep sympathy, and finally in deep empathy… When the disciple becomes so attuned to the master that even before the words are uttered he hears them, and not only the words but the meaning, the fragrance that is carried by the words. But it is very invisible… The invisible can be caught only in the net of the heart!”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 5


“If the child is helped to be in harmony with nature and in harmony with himself, if the child is in every way supported, nourished, encouraged to be natural and to be himself, a light unto himself, then love is simple… Hate will be almost impossible, because before you can hate somebody else first you have to create the poison within yourself… Before you can wound somebody else, you have to wound yourself… Hatred is only a symbol of illness, and love one of health and wholeness and holiness!”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 6


“Man is not a being but only a becoming. Man is a process, a growth, a possibility, a potentiality… Man is born not as an essence but only as an existence – a great space where much can happen, or nothing may happen, it all depends on you… You have to self-create yourself, you have to become awakened on your own. Nobody can wake you up. This is man’s grandeur, his glory, that he is the only being on the earth who is not a being but a freedom to be.”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 5


“Nobody likes to be criticized. But the other side of the story is that everybody likes to criticize others… If everybody is a cheat, a hypocrite, dishonest, cunning, it gives you a good feeling – you are not that bad, you are not that dishonest! The comparison relaxes you. It helps you to remain dishonest… In this dishonest world how can you survive? You have to play the game… Unless you become absolutely aware of all the cunning devices of the ego, you will never be able to get rid of it!”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 10


“Man is a bridge between the known and the unknown. To remain confined in the known is to be a fool. To go in search of the unknown is the beginning of wisdom. To become one with the unknown is to become the awakened one, the Buddha. Remember, again and again that man is not yet a being – he is on the way, a traveller, a pilgrim… Life is in flowing, life is in remaining a river because only the river will reach the ocean. If you become a stagnant pool then you are going nowhere!”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 7


“Sexual energy is a wastage if it only remains confined to sex, but it becomes a great blessing if it starts transforming its quality, sex not for sex’s sake. Use sex as a communion of love. Use sex as a meeting of two souls not only of two bodies. Use sex as a meditative dance of two persons’ energies. And the dance is far richer when man and woman are dancing together, and sex is the ultimate in dance – two energies meeting, merging, dancing, rejoicing. But use it as a stepping-stone!”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 4


“Life has tremendous mystery in it because it is based on paradox…Try to impose some logical pattern on life and you will become very much confused because life has no obligation to fulfil your logic. Life is as it is… The storm that comes brings a silence with it which is illogical. The silence that is felt after the storm is the deepest, the profoundest. If there is no storm the silence remains superficial… After the storm, the greater the storm the deeper the silence! Now it is paradoxical!”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 4


“Through the head you cannot taste any joy of life. Can you see beauty through the head? You can see the flower, but you will miss the beauty. You will see the moon, but you will miss the beauty… Your head can know something about sex but cannot know anything about love. Your head can understand the prose part of life, your head is a calculation machine, but it cannot know the poetry of existence. And the poetry of existence contains the truth!”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 7


“There are two kinds of things in existence – one, that which can be explained, and the other that which can only be experienced. The things that can be explained are mundane, ordinary, have no intrinsic value in them. And the things that cannot be explained are really significant, have intrinsic value… All explanations about the mysteries of life are nothing but explaining away those things… All words are inadequate. Be and know! Be still and know!”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 6


“You have an idea of love… that in love lovers disappear into each other, dissolve into each other. Yes, there are moments of dissolution but… when lovers dissolve into each other, the same are the moments when they become very conscious, very alert… For the first time they see their utter beauty in being alone… It is because of the other that they have been able to see their own selves. The other has become a mirror in which they are reflected!”

Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 4

Phoebe Wyss

Phoebe Wyss is a regular contributor for the monthly horoscope and is the author of various books on astrology. astrophoebe.com

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