Ageh Bharti reports from Jabalpur’s Govt. Osho Degree College
Also this year, the management of the Government Osho Mahakaushal Degree College in Jabalpur celebrated Osho’s Birthday on 11th December with a Festival and an Ex-Students’ Meet.
It was a beautiful function. A large banner with a photo of Osho was hung on the stage where the high dignitaries honoured Osho with flower garlands.
This time the gathering was less well attended than last year, perhaps because it was so cold. Nevertheless, even political officials like an MLA and the Deputy Chairman were present. They said that Jabalpur was fortunate because Osho had lived for about 20 years here and that this College was even more fortunate because Osho had taught here for about nine years.
Ex-students also spoke and expressed how fortunate they were to have studied in this college where Osho’s sacred feet had walked.
Professional singers were also booked and their gazals were highly enjoyed.
Dr Prashant Mishra, advocate, was the coordinator of the Government Osho Mahakaushal Degree College Ex-Students’ Meet and had been most active to turn the function into a great success. In fact, he seems to have a particular expertise to manage festivals so beautifully.
Principal Dr Avnesh Chaturvedi expressed his happiness and gratitude to all present and all of us were offered a memento and a calender, both with Osho’s beautiful picture.
The festivities concluded with a nice arrangement for dinner.
In the end I would like to add one thing to ponder over: When Dr Prashant Mishra requested the MLA (Member of Legislative Assembly) Shri Ashok Rohani to please arrange to erect a statue of Osho on the crossroads just next to the College Building, the MLA replied, a bit in an unpleasant tone, to first ask permission regarding copyright. It appears that some political personalities of the city had wanted to do things for Osho, but that copyright [trademark, ed.] of the name Osho had been an obstruction.
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