This month’s horoscope by Phoebe with quotes by Osho; “Be a witness to it all and you will know something that is beyond birth, beyond death…”

Phoebe would like to point out that we all have all the twelve zodiac signs in our horoscope – some with planets in them and some are empty – meaning some of the themes addressed are in the foreground and some in the background of our lives. “I recommend readers to read all twelve quotes, not just their star sign, for a wider perspective on the themes of the month,” she says.
Planetary Positions
Sun in Sagittarius enters Capricorn at the Winter Solstice on 21st December.
New Moon 30th December in Capricorn. Full Moon 13th January in Cancer.
Mercury in Sagittarius enters Capricorn on 8th January.
Venus in Aquarius enters Pisces on 3rd January.
Mars retrograde in Leo enters Cancer on 6th January.
Jupiter retrograde in Gemini.
Saturn in Pisces.
Uranus retrograde in Taurus.
Neptune in Pisces.
Pluto in Aquarius
Chiron retrograde in Aries.
Mood of the Moment
“There are people who are continuously looking for the negative, and if you look for the negative you will find, because the negative is there in the same proportion as the positive… They are always together like negative and positive poles of electricity. Life needs both thorns and roses, days and nights, happiness and unhappiness… Be a witness to it all and you will know something that is beyond birth, beyond death… Buddha has called it peace, nirvana!”
Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 4 , Ch 2
“The real work consists in changing your consciousness… When you are conscious it is impossible to be angry, it is impossible to be greedy, it is impossible to be jealous, it is impossible to be ambitious. And when all anger, greed, ambition, jealousy, possessiveness, lust disappear, the energy involved in them is released. That energy becomes your bliss. Now it is not coming from outside. Now it is happening inside your being, in your innermost recesses of being!”
Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 1
“The mind is very much afraid of saying ‘yes’ and the mind is very much afraid of doing good, because the good can be done only in a state of egolessness… Sharing is very difficult for the mind. It hoards, it collects. It becomes slowly slowly a junkyard… It goes on collecting. Who knows, whatsoever is useless today may become useful tomorrow. To do good means to share, to love, to serve, to be compassionate, and these are things which the miserly mind cannot do.”
Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 3
“The person who says ‘no’ becomes more and more argumentative. The person who knows how to say ‘yes’ to life, love, existence becomes less and less argumentative. And to be less and less argumentative is to be more harmonious… Argument simply means your mind is in a discord. No argument means the mind has attained a deep harmony… You do bad because you are divided. Whenever you are undivided good starts happening through you. Not that you have to do it, it starts happening!”
Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 3
“Joy is a bi-product just as sorrow is a bi-product. Sorrow follows like a shadow when you do something wrong, and joy follows like a shadow when you do something good… If you are in misery remember you must be doing something wrong! But people are very cunning… If you are in misery the mind says others are doing wrong to you!… Nobody can make you miserable and nobody can make you blissful… You are responsible for your misery and you are responsible for your joy. Take this responsibility!”
Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 3
“People are living just to impress. They must be really very poor inside because only people suffering from inferiority complex want to impress others. A really superior person never compares himself with anybody else. He knows he is incomparable. Not only that, he knows others are also as incomparable as he is. He is neither superior or inferior. This tremendous revolution is possible only by one secret key – and that is becoming more alert!”
Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 1
“If you can’t trust anybody that means you must be deceiving others. It is not a question of others, it is a question of you. You must be deceiving and if you are deceiving how can you trust? You can trust only if you allow others to trust you. It is better to be deceived than to deceive because if you deceive you lose the greatest treasure of your life – you lose the capacity to trust… Without it neither love is possible, nor prayer is possible, nor God is possible!”
Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 2
“Never follow anybody else’s idea! That is very dangerous because you will become imitative. Always follow your own nature, self-nature. Only then you will attain to freedom. It is better to die following one’s nature than to live following somebody else’s nature because that will be a pseudo life… People are bound to think differently because they are brought up differently… Thinking can never create one world. Only meditation can create one world.”
Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 10
“We are living with a darkness in the heart. How to transform this darkness into a luminosity?… What really matters is are you capable of seeing? Do you have eyes to see the mystery of existence? Do you have the heart to feel the magic of it? Are you open, available, vulnerable to the unknown? And when the unknown calls, are you courageous enough to go into the uncharted sea?… Do you have that type of guts?”
Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 9
“It may be only that you are foolhardy that you don’t listen to life, what life is saying, that you go on hoping… The optimist can become a pessimist, the pessimist can become an optimist. They are not contraries. They are two points on the same spectrum, one has to go beyond both… Neither hope nor hopelessness! No need to count days, no need to count nights. Be a watcher. No need to count thorns, no need to count roses. Be a watcher!”
Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 2
“No ambitious person has ever been happy… Just watch people who have succeeded in the world and you will drop the idea of success. Nothing fails like success… Happiness has nothing to do with money, power prestige. It is a totally different dimension. Happiness has something to do with your consciousness… If a person becomes more conscious, naturally his character is transformed… and whenever your character is natural and spontaneous it has a beauty of its own!”
Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 1
“Public servants are the greatest mischievous people in the world… The social reformers and the political revolutionaries and the religious missionaries, these are the real mischief mongers… Of course they keep you occupied – that is their attraction! You are afraid of being unoccupied because whenever you are unoccupied you have to face yourself… You don’t want to look in. You are continuously escaping from yourself!”
Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 1
“Mind is always ready to go on a trip because it is only in trips that he feels alive! Meditation means sitting silently doing nothing, not even thinking, and the mind disappears… If you are not going anywhere, just sitting silently doing nothing, the mind feels very sad. And… when the mind feels sad it starts creating boredom for you. That is a strategy of the mind… Otherwise, just sitting doing nothing, spring comes and the grass grows by itself!”
Osho, The Dhammapada, the Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 3
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