Things are as they are!

From Subhan's Desk

Something short and sweet to take in – from Subhan

Tree in winter

“Things are as they are!”

Sounds a bit ridiculous, doesn’t it?

But, not really!

This phrase recognizes that:

Any desire, any ideal, any expectation,
any should or should not
is a result of the mind,
imposing itself on the real,
naked truth of what is there!

Down to the essential,
devoid of what the mind adds on to things,
things are exactly as they are….

With this understanding, watch how the mind embellishes everything!

We never get the essence…
only the projections and (mis)understandings
and values and judgments of the mind,
instead of the essential nature of what is there.

And remember, under all of those projected ideas and ideals:

Things are as they are!

Featured image (detail) by Raul Koženevski


Subhan is a certified counselor in Seattle, WA, USA and facilitates many different workshops.

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