Osho: Oral History


A compilation of interviews of Osho sannyasins, by Francesco Gatti & Vikrant A. Sentis, reviewed by Divo

Osho: Oral History - Cover

This book, curated by Vikrant A. Sentis, whose idea it was, is a collection of interviews conducted by Francesco S. Gatti over the course of three years. The conversations form an oral historical archive, preserving testimonies of first-generation disciples who were directly involved with Osho.

When a friend sent me the latest book about Osho, his sannyasins, and Osho’s communes past, present and future, my first impulse was: “Gee, again? One more?” And this one is 500 pages thick!

We’ve all read quite a number of books by sannyasins, telling their own story of life with the Master – how they met him, how their entire life changed as they committed to the Master’s vision.

However, lo and behold, I found that this one carries a particular fragrance!

To go straight to my point: yes, the fragrance of the Master himself. Each one of the interviewees tells his/her story in a very intimate way, without filters of ‘wanting to please’ or of proving that they have been right to embark on this path. Almost all of them, it seems, just remaining with the adventure of finding themselves, their own inner freedom, and the inner silence which makes life a joyful journey rather than a drudgery.

These 500 pages read like the very adventure it has been – to commit to imbibing the Master’s vision, in order to build a better life for oneself and for the world. To break free from the chains of established religions and society’s rules, to feel that it’s possible to give birth to a more conscious, more graceful way to live, to share, to be together, to care for oneself, for each other, and for our planet Earth.

What struck me most was the clarity with which everyone describes their life with and/or around Osho, and the way they express the beauty of this man – a ‘total’ human being like no other. And that there was this one thread running through every testimony: TRUST. The trust that took them on the road to India to meet this strange man, the blind trust – which appeared out of nowhere at some point in their life and pulled them toward Osho, wherever he was, to be initiated – ‘to take sannyas’ – and often to settle and live in Pune, and later on the Ranch.

And I was moved to hear about the common joy of being alive in this milieu. And the knack many found finally, of not identifying with every setback or suffering that life inevitably brings. And most importantly: the bond that keeps running amongst us all, worldwide, the link that keeps us together even though we are now spread all over the planet. There’s a togetherness. Is it the Master’s fragrance?

As Kavisho says: “There is one real human being on this planet!”

Osho is no longer in the body, but trust me: it makes no difference to the power of his love, his light, his laughter… and these reports from his lovers make it very very clear.

You won’t want to close the book until you’ve danced along each of its 500 pages!

As Vikrant A. Sentis says in his Preface: “…a common thread throughout all the interviews is the fact that an undeniable growth process and transformation of consciousness occurred to each one of them, in one way or another, as the result of their interaction with him.”

An excerpt from the book

Osho: Oral History
Conversations with individuals whose lives have been inspired and transformed by Osho

by Francesco Gatti & Vikrant A. Sentis
RiL editores, 2024, 525 pages
Paperback and eBook PDF and Kindle via Amazon
ISBN: 978-956-01-1656-7

Kindle: Amazon

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Divo, being French, likes books and words. She has been diving into Osho’s ever since 1979. She has lived most of her life in Amsterdam.

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