Cup of Tea (160)
Man is an ever-lack,
because he desires without knowing himself,
because he desires to become something
without knowing his being,
and this is absurd.
First one must know his being
otherwise there will be anguish.
Becoming is anguish
because it is a constant tension
between that which is and that which should be –
and it is an impossible longing also
because only that can be which is.
So know yourself as you are
without any ideals,
without any judgement
and without any condemnation.
Go deep within yourself without any desires to become
because only then can you know yourself.
Discover yourself,
not according to anybody else,
but as you are.
Discover the fact,
discover the real
in its total nakedness.
In this total authenticity
just be a witness,
and then there is an altogether different quality to life,
the quality of let go.
Then one is relaxed totally.
And all flowering is in relaxation,
and all benediction.
Osho, A Cup of Tea, letter 160
Osho in Manali – photo by Dhinubhai – credit to Osho Resources Centre ( – – manually spot-retouched by Osho News
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