Horoscope for the Month of Aquarius 2025


This month’s horoscope by Phoebe with quotes by Osho; ““We are always in the present… We can project in the future great illusions, but still we are here-now.”

Aquarius Mandala by Deva Padma
‘Aquarius’ © by Deva Padma, available as fine art print from devapadma-prints.com

Phoebe would like to point out that we all have all the twelve zodiac signs in our horoscope – some with planets in them and some are empty – meaning some of the themes addressed are in the foreground and some in the background of our lives. “I recommend readers to read all twelve quotes, not just their star sign, for a wider perspective on the themes of the month,” she says.

Planetary Positions

Sun in Capricorn enters Aquarius on 19th January.
New Moon 29thJanuary in Aquarius. Full Moon 12th February in Leo.
Mercury in Capricorn enters Aquarius on 28th January and enters Pisces on 14th February.
Venus in Pisces enters Aries on 4th February.
Mars retrograde in Cancer.
Jupiter retrograde in Gemini turns direct on 4th February.
Saturn in Pisces.
Uranus retrograde in Taurus turns direct on 30th January.
Neptune in Pisces.
Pluto in Aquarius.
Chiron turns direct in Aries.

Mood of the Moment

“So many people are doing good – parents doing good to children, and where are the good children? Husbands are doing good to wives, and wives are really after husbands to transform them, to change them, to make them saints. But where are those husbands and where are those wives and where are those children? Everybody is trying to do good according to his own idea, and he is living himself in deep darkness. But the idea that ‘I am doing good’ helps your ego to be strengthened!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 1


“If you look at your life you will see it is moving in circles. The same things you go on doing, the same stupid things and you have done them so many times… Unless you become awake you are going to repeat the same your whole life. Not only your whole life, you are going to repeat it in many, many lives to come… You don’t even make new mistakes. Be a little creative… at least make new mistakes!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 5


“At the core all human beings are equal… The basic, the fundamental being is the same not only in human beings, in all beings. The tree has a being, only its body is different from you, and the tiger has a being, only its body is different from you. The differences are only on the circumference. The centre is always the same because the centre is one… Not violence but compassion is natural, not violence but love… Love, compassion, sharing these are natural, and to be natural is to be religious!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 7


“We are always in the present. There is nowhere else to be, but we can dream, we can imagine… We can project in the future great illusions, but still we are here-now. The day, the moment that you become aware that you are here and you cannot be anywhere else, that you are now and you cannot be then, you sink in the reality. You go to the depth of reality itself. You change your gear from time to eternity!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 10


“Buddha says be a light unto yourself – don’t believe in persons, don’t believe in ideologies. And when you don’t believe in any ideology and you don’t believe in any person, a great trust explodes. A trust in existence itself – in the trees, in the rocks, in the people, in the stars, rivers, mountains, into all that is!… We are part of this miraculous existence… This existence cannot be unfriendly to us. It has given birth to us, and how the mother can be unfriendly?”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 9


“You say, ‘I don’t know who I am’. This is the beginning of real knowing… If you cannot know who you are, how can you know who I am because we are the same. We are one. You are unknowable, I am unknowable. We belong to the same mystery. We are part of the same orgasmic whole. It is an ecstasy, a bliss. It is a benediction. You can dance in it, you can sing in it, you can overflow with love through it, but it never becomes knowledge!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 8


“Life consists of small things. There are no big things. Small things accumulated become big things… A single smile may not look much significant, but a single smile is part of a long process. A single smile is not the garland certainly, but there will be no garland if there is not single flowers put together… You have to transform each small thing through your awareness, watchfulness, alertness into a beautiful act. Then ordinary things can become extraordinary!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 3


“Love is not the ordinary thing that you understand by it. It is not just a biological attraction between a man and a woman… Far deeper mysteries are involved even in ordinary love affairs… You cannot possess it; you can only be possessed by it… Only those who are courageous enough, only those who are gamblers and can risk their very life, and be possessed by some unknown energy, are able to know what love is. Love is the first step towards God!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 2


“Unless you know something of paradise you will never become aware that you have been living in hell – not only living in hell but creating it, helping it to be there… Hell is not something geographical, it is something psychological. Hell is another name of a diseased mind… of a mind living basically in unconsciousness… The mind cannot exist in the present. If you are utterly herenow, the mind disappears, and with the disappearance of the mind there is no hell!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 3


“The Buddhas have been telling you again and again, ‘Know thyself!’ Don’t misunderstand them… Socrates is not saying that you can know yourself. He is saying try to know thyself – in knowing thyself you will come across the unknowable… You are unknowable, I am unknowable. We belong to the same mystery. We are part of the same orgasmic whole. It is an ecstasy, a bliss, it is a benediction!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 8


“A man who cannot laugh is not a man, he becomes subhuman. Horses don’t laugh, buffaloes don’t laugh, donkeys don’t tell jokes to each other. Laughter is absolutely human, no other animal laughs… It is man’s privilege to laugh. Laughter has something divine about it… Never repress. Repression will destroy all that is human in you. And once the human is destroyed you cannot attain to the divine because human is the bridge!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 8


“Buddha says ‘Be a light unto yourself. Don’t believe in persons, don’t believe in ideologies. And when you don’t believe in any ideology and you don’t believe in any person a great trust explodes, a trust in existence itself – in the trees, in the rocks, in the people, in the stars, rivers, mountains, into all that is… Simply you have a trusting heart, a great trust that we belong to this existence. We are part of this miraculous existence!’”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 9


“The first thing is trust. Have a loving trust for all that is, then meditation becomes easy because you can relax. The person who trusts can relax into existence. The person who cannot trust remains tense, remains anxious, afraid. The person who trusts can melt, can disappear, evaporate. He knows that even if I fall into the ocean I am just a dewdrop… As a dewdrop I will disappear but I will exist as the ocean. I will not be losing anything. I will be gaining all!”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 4, Ch 9

Phoebe Wyss

Phoebe Wyss is a regular contributor for the monthly horoscope and is the author of various books on astrology. astrophoebe.com

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