

Phoebe’s horoscope for the month of January, with quotes from Osho: “Be a giver. Share whatsoever you can! And remember, I am not making any distinction between small things and great things.”

Phoebe’s horoscope for the month of December, with quotes from Osho: “Once you change, the world will remain the same but it will not be the same at all. Because you are your world!”

Phoebe’s horoscope for August with quotes from Osho: “My sannyasin has to learn love, life, laughter. I want to create a temple which knows how to celebrate, whose only worship will be festivity…”

Your horoscope by Phoebe with quotes from Osho: “One has to wait, and one has to learn how to wait… Be patient and just wait. Wait with deep love, prayerfulness, gratitude…”

Phoebe, the new writer-astrologer of our horoscope column, has decided to try out a different format. The article Astrology with Osho explains her aims, and the playfulness of the new comic glyphs she chose to illustrate the signs, are to remind us not to take horoscopes, or anything in life, too seriously.