Blog No. 7 from Phoebe, 21st-28th April 2020 – “Fears, when Pluto is involved, will always be existential and transformative, and, if we are brave enough to move through them, can lead us to the discovery of a deep faith in life.”
Phoebe’s horoscope with quotes from Osho. “To discover your being is the beginning of life. Then each moment is a new discovery, each moment brings a new joy…” is the mood of this month.
Blog No. 6 from Phoebe, dated 19th April: “At any moment in time, astrology allows us to step back and watch the ongoing themes arising in the public world and in our personal lives…”
Horoscope by Phoebe with Osho quotes; “Love is enough. Live only out of love. It may last long, it may not last, but… even if it is there for a single moment it will give you the taste of eternity. And there is every possibility that, if you are not afraid, it may last longer because fear is poison.”
Phoebe’s horoscope with Osho quotes; “Open the door and come out! Be in the sun and the wind and the rain, and see what it is…”
Phoebe’s horoscope with quotes from Osho: “You are just a pool without waves … the whole being silent, still. Inside, at the center, silence and on the periphery celebration and laughter.”
Phoebe’s horoscope for the month of January, with quotes from Osho: “Be a giver. Share whatsoever you can! And remember, I am not making any distinction between small things and great things.”
Our in-house astrologer Phoebe reviews Sudhir’s book. “A spicy new take on the ancient art of stargazing,” she says, “I can warmly recommend…”
Phoebe’s horoscope for the month of December, with quotes from Osho: “Once you change, the world will remain the same but it will not be the same at all. Because you are your world!”
Phoebe’s horoscope for the month of November, with quotes from Osho: “Go on watching your own mind, heart.”
Phoebe’s horoscope for the month of October, with quotes from Osho: “…Lovers are born and die. Love goes on.”
Phoebe’s horoscope for September with quotes from Osho: “Life’s door, love’s door, God’s door – they all open when you are playful.”
Phoebe’s horoscope for August with quotes from Osho: “My sannyasin has to learn love, life, laughter. I want to create a temple which knows how to celebrate, whose only worship will be festivity…”
Your horoscope by Phoebe with quotes from Osho: “Nobody can live in no… you can only suffer and create more and more miseries. No is hell.”
Your horoscope by Phoebe with quotes from Osho: “One has to wait, and one has to learn how to wait… Be patient and just wait. Wait with deep love, prayerfulness, gratitude…”
Our new astrologer – starting with January 2019 – introduces her monthly horoscope with reference to what Osho says about the subject.
Phoebe, the new writer-astrologer of our horoscope column, has decided to try out a different format. The article Astrology with Osho explains her aims, and the playfulness of the new comic glyphs she chose to illustrate the signs, are to remind us not to take horoscopes, or anything in life, too seriously.