Horoscope December 2019


Phoebe’s horoscope for the month of December, with quotes from Osho: “Once you change, the world will remain the same but it will not be the same at all. Because you are your world!”

Sagittarius and Capricorn
Sagittarius and Capricorn

Mood of the Month

“That should never be your worry, how the world is, because nothing can be done about that. All that can be done has to be done by you, with you, upon yourself. Once you change, your projections will disappear. Once you change, the world will remain the same but it will not be the same at all. Because you are your world! It comes out of you and spreads outwards… Once your projections disappear, then suddenly you become aware that that world has disappeared and another world has arisen – the real.”

Osho, Come Follow to You, Vol 3, Ch 6



Relevant Planetary Positions: Chiron in Aries. Mars in Scorpio. Moon in Aries 5th-8th.

Major Aspects for Aries: Mars trines Neptune on 13th. Moon in Aries conjuncts Chiron and squares Jupiter on 5th, trines sun and squares Venus on 6th, squares Saturn and Pluto on 7th.

“The river is already going to the ocean. You are unnecessarily worried. You can simply leave that responsibility to the river. Whether you leave it or not, it is already going. Don’t fight, because in fight there is going to be frustration… If you don’t fight then everything is just beautiful. Why? Because then you don’t have any idea of your own to compare it with. Everything is beautiful for how could it be otherwise?”

Osho, Come Follow to You, Vol 3, Ch 4



Relevant Planetary Positions: Uranus in Taurus. Venus in Capricorn until 20th, then in Aquarius. Moon in Taurus from 8th-10th.

Major Aspects for Taurus: Venus conjuncts Saturn on 11th and Pluto on 13th. Venus squares Uranus on 22nd. Moon in Taurus conjuncts Uranus on 8th, trines Venus, trines Saturn and opposes Mars on 9th, and trines Pluto on 10th.

“The whole effort to improve oneself creates much anxiety and tension. It disturbs one’s energy and destroys much. Once ‘shoulds’ have been dropped… once you don’t want to change a single thing and you have no complaints, but you simply want to live and enjoy and delight in it, whatsoever it is, then suddenly a totally new dimension opens… Then a great intensity arises. One becomes aflame, aglow.”

Osho, The Cypress in the Courtyard, Ch 4



Relevant Planetary Positions: Mercury in Scorpio until 9th, then in Sagittarius until 29th and then in Capricorn. Moon in Gemini 10th-12th.

Major Aspects for Gemini: Mercury trines Chiron on 10th and squares Neptune on 20th. Moon in Gemini opposes Mercury on 10th and squares Neptune on 11th.

“You are excited sometimes when you see something new, but soon it will be old. Once it is old, excitement is gone. Then you are again searching for something new. Boredom is because you don’t know how to find the newness every moment… In existence nothing repeats, but it feels repetitive because you are not intensely alert. If you are intensely alert, everything is new. If you are absolutely alert, everything is absolutely new. Never does any dust of oldness settle on it.”

Osho, The True Sage, Ch 6



Relevant Planetary Positions: Full Moon: 12th December in Gemini. New Moon: 26th December (Solar Eclipse). North Node in Cancer. Moon in Cancer 12th–15th.

Major Aspects for Cancer: Moon squares Chiron on 13th. Moon opposes Jupiter on 13th. Moon trines Neptune and opposes Saturn and Pluto on 14th.

“Homesickness will arise… But there is no home. These are just conveniences, just consolations that we create around us to give us a false feeling of security – because every moment death is coming closer and closer… The home is not going to remain a home forever. At the most it is a caravanserai – you stay for the night, an overnight stay, and by the morning you go. Life is an eternal journey. There is no home. To understand this homelessness is to understand life.”

Osho, Above All Don’t Wobble, Ch 6



Relevant Planetary Positions: Sun in Sagittarius until 22nd and then in Capricorn. Moon in Leo 15th-7th.

Major Aspects for Leo: Sun squares Neptune on 8th. Sun squares Chiron on 23rd and trines Uranus on 24th and conjuncts Jupiter on 27th. Moon in Leo trines Chiron, squares Uranus and trines Mercury on 15th. Moon in Leo squares Mars on 16th.

“I am against character because character is a fixity. Character has a solidness about it; it is stony. Character means repetitiveness; you go on repeating yourself – that is your ‘character’… A real man is always unpredictable. He is freedom. He has no character because each moment he finds a new challenge. Each moment he moves in a new dimension, and each moment he looks with fresh eyes… He is never old; he is always young.”

Osho, Come Follow to You, Vol 4, Ch 2



Relevant Planetary Positions: Mercury in Scorpio until 9th, then in Sagittarius until 29th and then in Capricorn. Moon in Virgo 17th-19th.

Major Aspects for Virgo: Mercury trines Chiron on 10th and squares Neptune on 20th. Moon in Virgo trines Uranus and Jupiter on 17th. Moon in Virgo squares Mercury, opposes Neptune and trines Saturn and Pluto on 18th.

“Life is insecure, love is insecure. We are in emptiness, in tremendous nothingness. And it is good that it is so otherwise we would be dead… If there is security then there will be bondage. If everything is certain then there will be no freedom. If tomorrow is fixed then there can be security, but you have no freedom. Then you are just like a robot; you have to fulfil certain things that are already predestined. But tomorrow is beautiful because tomorrow is total freedom. Nobody knows what is going to happen.”

Osho, Above All Don’t Wobble, Ch 6



Relevant Planetary Positions: Venus in Capricorn until 20th, then in Aquarius.

Major Aspects for Libra: Venus conjuncts Saturn on 11th and Pluto on 13th. Venus squares Uranus on 22nd. Moon in Libra opposes Chiron and squares Jupiter on 19th, and squares Saturn and Pluto on 20th.

“Whenever somebody falls in love, suddenly dreams explode in the being. The other is there. Now you can dream together and you can help each other to avoid oneself… Alone, it is very difficult to dream. Again and again the dream is broken and you are thrown to the bare, naked reality, the emptiness. A lover is needed: somebody to cling to, somebody to look to, somebody to share with, somebody who will patch the gaps, who will bring you out of yourself, so that you don’t come face to face with your naked reality.”

Osho, The True Sage, Ch 1



Relevant Planetary Positions: Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury in Scorpio until 9th. Mars in Scorpio. Moon in Scorpio 21st-23rd.

Major Aspects for Scorpio: Venus conjuncts Pluto on 13th. Moon in Scorpio opposes Uranus on 21st, trines Neptune on 22nd and conjuncts Mars on 23rd.

“The man who loves power will remain ugly because power can only be attained through violence – any kind of power. The power of a parent over a child is also violent. The power of a husband over his wife is also violent… So not only the political power but all kinds of power are ugly and violent. But the man who loves dancing will go deeper. And the man who loves meditation will go deeper than any, because meditation is the greatest thing possible… it is the door to the Divine.”

Osho, The Tongue-Tip Taste of Tao, Ch 19



Relevant Planetary Positions: Jupiter in Sagittarius until 2nd, then in Capricorn. Mercury in Sagittarius from 9th-29th, Moon in Sagittarius 23rd-25th.

Major Aspects for Sagittarius: Sun conjuncts Jupiter on 27th. Jupiter trines Uranus on 15th. Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune on 24th and conjuncts Mercury on 25th.

“Watch yourself. What are you doing here on the earth? What have you done up to now?… Have you done anything really real, or have you just been living in dreams? Have you approached in any way the eternal, or are you too much occupied with the momentary? Have you made any plans, any projects for the ultimate truth, or are you just remaining drunk with the mundane?… When are you going to become bored with it?”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol 2, Ch 9



Relevant Planetary Positions: Sun in Capricorn from 22nd (Winter Solstice). Venus in Capricorn until 20th. Jupiter in Capricorn from 2nd. Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Moon in Capricorn 25th-28th.

Major aspects for Capricorn: Venus conjuncts Saturn on 11th. Moon in Capricorn squares Chiron and trines Uranus on 26th. Moon in Capricorn conjuncts Saturn and Pluto on 27th.

“The authoritarian represents somebody else, and the man who speaks with authority simply represents himself, his own experience… The authoritarian is an ugly person and the man with authority has splendour, beauty – he is blessed. The moment you reach to your centre, your heart, your life starts functioning with a new trust. You are no more in doubt – hence the authority. You are no more wavering, you are centred… you are certain. And when there is certainty, there is strength, power, not given by anybody else but arising in you.”

Osho, The Tongue-Tip Taste of Tao, Ch 2



Relevant Planetary Positions: Uranus retrograde in Taurus. Venus enters Aquarius on 20th. Moon in Aquarius 1st-3rd and 28th-30th.

Major aspects for Aquarius: Venus squares Uranus on 22nd. Moon in Aquarius squares Mars and Uranus on 1st and Mercury on 2nd. Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus on 28th, conjuncts Venus on 29th , and squares Mars on 30th.

“Whenever ideology comes in, things become ugly. All idealists live in hells. Ideology creates hells. If you don’t have any ideology, you have nothing to compare, you don’t have any criterion. Then whatsoever is happening is happening… Then wherever the river is going, that is the only way to go. Then one simply allows existence to have its own way… Then everything is beautiful, and then you realize that it has never been otherwise.”

Osho, Come Follow to You, Vol 3, Ch 4



Relevant Planetary Positions: Neptune in Pisces. Moon in Pisces 3rd-5th.

Major Aspects for Pisces: Sun squares Neptune on 8th. Mercury squares Neptune on 20th. Mars trines Neptune on 13th. Moon in Pisces trines Mars and conjuncts Neptune on 4th and trines Mercury on 5th.

“The human mind always tends to throw the responsibility onto someone else. Then you are freed from it… But this unburdening is very dangerous, because once you feel that you are not responsible, then all doors for transformation are closed, because to feel responsible is the very basic requirement for transformation. If I am not responsible for what I am, how can I be responsible for any transformation?… Don’t think that this is a let-go. Let-go is a very alive thing. This is dead wood – driftwood… The more responsible you feel, the more authentic is the soul you have.”

Osho, Come Follow to You, Vol 3, Ch 10

Phoebe Wyss

Phoebe Wyss is a regular contributor for the monthly horoscope and is the author of various books on astrology. astrophoebe.com.

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