Raw carrot cake


This dessert is delicious, light and easy to make!


Raw carrot cake (makes eight)

raw carrot cake


Carrots (800g)
Lemon Rind (x2)
Dates (x15)
Dehydrated Coconut (100g)
Cacao Nibs (handful)
Agave syrup (60ml)
Vanilla (optional)

Juice 400g of carrots, keep the pulp
Grate the other 400g in food processor
Grate lemon skin with fine grater
Put pulp, grated carrots, lemon rind and coconut together in a bowl
Add agave syrup, dates, cacao nibs and vanilla
Put everything back into food processor and mix well
Place in little metal molds to make tartlet shape
Optional: Top it up with cashew cream

This dessert is delicious, light and easy to make!

From the collection ‘Raw recipes from Niten’s kitchen’

NitenNiten is a raw food enthusiast and cook of many years experience. He became a ‘Raw Foodist’ in 1996 when living on a permaculture farm. He now gives Raw Food retreats in England and Ibiza, where he lives. We are lucky to get his recipes with the inspiring pictures he makes.

More raw recipes from the same author on Osho News

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