Raw Beetroot Burger

Main Dishes

Further ideas from the collection ‘Raw recipes from Niten’s kitchen’

Beetroot Burger

2 cups sunflower seeds finely ground in food processor
4 stalks celery, chopped
1/2 bunch of scallions, chopped
1 half tsp dulse flakes
6 TSP lemon juice
1/4 cup olive oil
2 TSP shoyu
1/2 beetroot
1 clove garlic

In a medium bowl, mix sunflower seeds, celery, green onions and dulse flakes
In a blender, combine all other ingredients and blend until smooth

Add the contents of the blender to the dry ingredients in the mixing bowl. Mix well.
With your hands, form patties and place them on dehydrator.
Dehydrate at 41 degree celcius for about 32hrs

From the collection ‘Raw recipes from Niten’s kitchen’

NitenNiten is a raw food enthusiast and cook of many years experience. He became a ‘Raw Foodist’ in 1996 when living on a permaculture farm. He now gives Raw Food retreats in England and Ibiza, where he lives. We are lucky to get his recipes with the inspiring pictures he makes.

More raw recipes from the same author on Osho News

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