Mirror of the Heart

Music Reviews

Amareesh reviews Praful’s latest album.

Praful Mirror of the HeartPraful – Lead & Backing Vocals, Bansuri (Indian Bamboo Flutes), Silver Flute, Saxophones, Harmonium, Keyboards, Fender Rhodes, Nylon & Steel String Guitars, Swarmandel, Xalam, Udu, additional small Percussion
Shahzad Ali Khan – Vocals
Peruquois – Vocals, Spoken Words
Afra Mussawisade – Frame Drums, Darbuka, Dumbek, Tavil, Kanjira, Ghatam, Calebas, Krakabs, small Percussion – full list…

To listen to this album by Praful and friends – a few times over – was a delightful experience. ‘Mirror of the Heart’ will certainly appeal to all lovers of Sufi fusion music. It is also quite suitable as background music for whirling.

I am listing here what I particularly appreciated in this production:

  • The choice of instruments
  • The immaculate modulation of many solos and orchestrated melodies
  • The overtone-rich, well recorded and transparent sounds
  • The unhurried pulses, the warm sounding duff and percussion
  • The male western voice sounds reassuring and relaxed whenever he throws in lines of – mostly Rumi – poetry, whilst the other male voices add a Middle Eastern and a bit of Qawwali flavour

A Persian friend who listened to the album remarked that Rumi’s poetry deserves special dedication when recited or sung and ought to spring from sheer ecstasy. Listen for yourself!

In this album nothing reminds of mere ethnic ‘cut and paste’ samples one hears elsewhere. The moods exuded are of yearning – heartful Indian melodies blend intricately with what one may call Sufi music. A fine example of east-west fusion that will lend its charm to many occasions, groups and whirlings.

Although these days I am less interested in studio productions (rather in pure life situations), I loved what I heard. Praful seems to play some of the best bansuri I’ve heard in music played by an Osho sannyasin. He understands both idioms quite intimately: Middle Eastern and Indian. Very nice saxophone as well. Thanks to Praful!

Amareesh, Osho News


Buy the CD: www.amazon.comwww.amazon.co.ukwww.amazon.de

Download mp3: www.amazon.compraful.bandcamp.com

Download from iTunes


PrafulPraful grew up in Germany and studied Jazz Sax & Flute at the Amsterdam Conservatory. In 1992 he came to Pune where he took sannyas. In the meantime he has become a world-renowned sax and flute player, producer, performer and pioneer, feeling at home in many different musical styles. Some of his albums sold more than 100.000 worldwide, with a #1 hit (Sigh) on the US Jazz radio. He has also composed many of the famous Mantras for Deva Premal. When not touring, Praful lives and works near Cologne in Germany. www.prafulmusic.com

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