Zen Moments


Chinmaya reviews Shastro and Raphaël Pinel’s newly released CD.

Zen Moments coverShastro is such a talented multi-instrumentalist that he has rarely found the need to collaborate with others. Zen Moments recalls his and Nadama’s classic ZenNotes, interweaving clarinet with, in this case, Celtic harp played by a young Frenchman, Raphael.

Usually music without rhythm and obvious melody leaves me feeling that the two most important elements are missing, and I find the ‘plink’ of notes that can’t be bent (as in piano, harp etc) as somehow lacking the grace that comes from being able to bend upwards or downwards to reach a note. But Shastro’s sinuous clarinet binds this music together, and as he declares on the cover text, it is the silence between the notes that is being emphasized here, and perhaps rhythm and melody would indeed distract from this.

The ambient space that he and Raphael create is soothing and timeless as they meander through this delicate soundscape, perfect for any activity (or as the cover notes say ‘non-activity!’) that requires a meditative background.

Review by Chinmaya Dunster, Osho News

Buy album from www.malimba.com

raphael - shastroShastro was born in Italy and studied to become a fashion photographer in the late 80s. He took sannyas in 1981 and went to Pune in 1986 to see Osho. He photographed Osho in various occasions but also played music for him. He is, together with Sirus, the composer of the music for the No Dimensions Meditation. He is the owner of the USA based label Malimba Records where he has released – to date – 12 of his own CDs and many of other sannyasin musicians. He lives now in Tuscany, Italy. www.shastro.comwww.malimba.com

Raphaël Pinel was born in Normandy, France. Inspired by Irish and French traditional music he travelled to Ireland with his father, a violin player, when still a child. He started busking, together with his father at 12. He studied music at the University of Rennes where he learned the celtic harp with Anne-Marie Jan. He later learned concertina, jazz-piano, percussion and improvisation. Zen Moments is his 9th CD and his 3rd release on Malimba. He has been working in Canada, Finland and Germany, giving concerts, harp lessons, workshops and recording. raphaelpinel.com/now

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