Walk barefoot… contact the earth


“If you are walking on soft earth, the best way is to walk barefoot, no shoes. You have a tremendous contact with the earth,” says Osho.

Osho's feet

Pythagoras used to walk barefoot. It is a beautiful exercise for contacting the earth. That’s how Mahavira used to walk – barefoot. If you are walking on soft earth, the best way is to walk barefoot, no shoes. You have a tremendous contact with the earth. We belong to the earth! Half of us is part of the earth and half is part of the sky. And when you are walking in the early morning sun on the wet earth, you are enjoying both the sky and the earth. It was perfectly right!

But now, on coal-tar roads, Jaina monks go on walking barefoot. Now that is very dangerous, harmful, harmful to the nervous system. To walk on cement or on coal-tar without any shoes is very bad for the whole nervous system, particularly for the brain cells; it affects them. To walk on wet earth is beautiful for the nervous system; it soothes.

Osho, Philosophia Perennis, Vol 1, Ch 7, Q 3 (excerpt)

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