Rose Flower Meditation

Tiny Meditations

A meditation guided by Nandin, with inspiring visual and music video.

Voice and music: Nandin Baker

Become One with the Cosmos!

Let the flower be there. Observe it, be a witness to it, but don’t verbalize the experience. Don’t translate it into language.

…when your doors open, the flower moves in you, and you move in the flower, and there is a constant harmony. The flower contributes, you also contribute, and there is a meeting.

That meeting can become a glimpse into the cosmos, because a flower is not just a flower. It is the whole cosmos grown into a flower, the whole cosmos become a flower. You are also not just a human being – the whole cosmos has become consciousness in you; that too is a flowering. And when these two flowerings meet, that meeting is ecstatic, blissful.

– Osho, That Art Thou, Ch 47

Nandin offers regular online courses, like Manifesting Meditative Music (next 17 September to 10 December 2023): and


Born in Canada but living in Germany, Nandin is a classically trained flutist who often played very non-classical music in Buddha Hall in Pune.

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