A review by Kaiyum of Ma Deva Indra’s recently published book
Seven golden keys to instant self-realisation
A powerful method to transform obstacles mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually
by Ma Deva Indra
Paperback, 276 pages, A5 size
ISBN: 9789464893564
Available from the publisher: boekscout.nl
The original in Dutch, Zeven gouden sleutels voor onmiddellijke zelfrealisatie, is also available from boekscout.nl
Deva Indra relates her story of growth, transformation, and transcendence using Atisha’s ‘7 points of mind-training’ as a powerful framework and approach to this important topic. In ‘The Book of Wisdom’, Osho talks for more than 49 hours in order to clarify Atisha’s complex sutras.
The advantages of a disadvantage
Deva Indra describes a crucial moment in her life:
“It all happens very suddenly. One moment I am motionless in complete darkness, in deep sleep… and the next moment, a glimmer of light makes its presence felt in my heart. I spring up as if touched. The person, the being, I thought I was has disappeared. Yet it would be many years before I recognised the hand of Divine existence in this unique, breath-taking moment in my life.”
As a child, she was already aware of the mind games adults play and the lies they and society tell. All the while, she was in touch with her own truth, but did not have the skills, health, and assertiveness to deal with this sense of an inner knowing that conflicted with external ’realities’.
Indra relates in relevant, concise detail the effects of her poor health and the numerous accidents she had that led to the irrefutable diagnosis of acquired brain injury. Her quality of life declined rapidly, leading to increased immobility and surrender to her spiritual path.
The ‘discovery’ of The Book of Wisdom in which Osho describes the sutras of Atisha, was precisely the opening that gave direction to her search, culminating in this fascinating intertwining of her personal story with clear guidelines for personal growth based on Atisha’s sutras. She describes, moreover, the guidance she received that led to significant healing – not in the Netherlands, her home country, but in Spain.
A powerful formula for awakening
During her bed rest, listening to Osho talk about finding a living master, she suddenly heard a clear, powerful voice that spoke the following inviting words: “Who are you really? Are you ready to see what is unchanging and stop looking outside yourself? Be still and wait!”
She says that during this transmission from Gangaji as well as Osho, all thoughts fell silent. Osho’s magic formula came at the right time! Now the book, which had been silent for years, was gaining momentum.
She describes clearly and humorously how her soul always yearned for home. It was precisely this deep longing that allowed her thoughts to stop immediately upon hearing the radical invitation.
“For years I had heard Osho say the same words, but only now has it really landed. I now experience the silence and depth on an even deeper level, consciously living every second in the here and now. I see it when a story appears, and I am in danger of ending up on the wheel again. Recognising this gives me absolute joy and freedom. I am off the hook!”
As she introduces the sutras, she makes totally clear what the goal is:
“There may be a moment in your life when you are exhausted from searching for who you are. Searching for who you belong to; searching for truth; searching for your true home.
“This is an invitation to recognise your dependency, your attachment, and your neediness. To perceive and shift the activity of your mind to the eternal presence of who you really are, beyond your mind, beyond your thoughts, beyond your feelings and emotions, even beyond your body.”
It was from Gangaji that she heard the instruction to stop searching:
“The word STOP has thrown me like a fish back into the ocean of Love, Truth and Freedom… In the end, I have discovered that I have always been at home in the source from which all life originates and returns to.”
A further statement introduces her story:
“When by chance the endlessly cackling, stressful thoughts quiet down and I get acquainted with the ego and the confusing mind games, a great gift is revealed. With unprecedented clarity I experience that thoughts like ‘not good enough’, desires, jealousy, misunderstandings, judgments, fear, anger, loneliness, arrogance, illness, and pain keep me stuck in a wheel of unnecessary suffering. In the depths of this awareness I discover that it is not my thoughts that cause misery, but the identification with the content of my thoughts. Because of this identification with my (mainly) negative thoughts, I had come to believe that these are the basis of who I am.”
The seven main chapters reflect Atisha’s teachings, his complex, compact sutras that are like Zip files that Indra expands and embellishes. This she does in a direct, no-nonsense way, supported by her own story and exercises that encourage the reader’s participation.
Light reading? Yes and no. The style is personal and easy to read, so although it’s not amiss on the bedside table, this book is worthy of closer attention.
Ma Deva Indra, born and raised in Amsterdam (1951), experiences growing dissatisfaction. Wherever she is, she feels like an outsider. When the family moves to a village around her puberty, depression hits hard. She tries to survive in a ‘hostile’ environment. Seeking freedom, she marries when she is barely 18 years old. During this union, she is blessed with three beautiful children. But it soon becomes clear that even this marriage is the next golden prison and she desperately searches for a way out. After 30 years, she is finally able to lovingly break the marital hypnosis. Then, for the first time, she feels truly free!
Indra is available for consultations and Satsang using Zoom. indravisser.com – Contact: welkom@ma-deva-indra.org
- Articles by Indra on Osho News
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