Dream Last Night


A summer poem by Madhuri

Ripe yellow plums on a tree in a garden

In order to view this poem as the author intended it to appear with all its indents, we suggest reading it on a computer screen or in the landscape orientation on your phone.

We are in a train
which has paused
somewhere in the summer
here in England;
and I’m saying,
”Look! Look!” –
for outside the window
is a tree
just bursting with
greengage plums –
bough on bough, bunched under the
soft, pointy leaves –
Round plump veiny
weighty wealths
of fruit,
the very colour of summer: tree-tunnel,
sun-in-grasses –

with the fat give
of a baby’s cheek
on some planet where all are privileged
to live, and smooch, in green –

And in the dream
I think to myself,
Oh! That sort of plum
becomes transparent
when it’s ripe –
That is how you know –


July ‘23, Luddendenfoot


Madhuri is a healer, artist, poet and author of several books, Reluctantly to Kunzum La being her latest one. madhurijewel.com


Update 18.8.2024 pm: change of featured image to istockphoto.com

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