Tips and tricks – how to swim with dolphins in the wild – a new video from Amlas and Atmo from Wildquest in Bimini (Bahamas)
“Dolphins are very loving animals, very playful, very joyous… If you are swimming, they will swim with you. If you are playing with them, they will play with you,” states Osho
Another big anniversary celebrated by a sannyasin enterprise. Congratulations to Amlas and Atmo! An interview with Amlas, by Punya
Atmo invites us to the wondrous world inhabited by dolphins. His video is accompanied by Peter Makena’s voice in the song Gratefulness.
Presented by the Science Bulletin of the Department of Education at the American Museum of Natural History.
Incredible footage of a one thousand strong dolphin pod. You might want to turn down the sound a little to drown out the non-essential comments by people.
An underwater camera captured a dolphin that became entangled in a fishing line and was freed by a diver in Hawaii.
Incredible footage of a dolphin giving birth at Dolphin Quest, Hawaii. The baby was born on September 12, 2012, and the birth took little more than an hour.
Sandesh shares his feelings of becoming part of a community and of taking courage to move from the known to the unknown