Atmo invites us to the wondrous world inhabited by dolphins. His video is accompanied by Peter Makena’s voice in the song Gratefulness.
It’s so magical when we encounter big pods of dolphins. Their energy spreads through the turquoise waters creating magic! Sometimes they are just into themselves and we can travel their path together with them. Quietly… Only the sound of their breath breaks the silence. It’s so relaxing and mesmerizing.
And suddenly the energy shifts, becomes playful and they take us under their fin and include us in their games. Diving, dancing, being. Such a healing feeling which remains in our hearts.
Peter Makena has been coming to WildQuest for many years and his connection with the dolphins runs deep – his song such a beautiful accompaniment to this footage.
This is the first episode of our 2021 Dolphin Tales – Dolphin Healing and Relaxation.
Related articles
- Wild Dolphin Encounters: Lessons in the Art of Podding – A participant in a holiday retreat at WildQuest on Bimini learns the Art of Podding while swimming with the dolphins… and meditating (2011)
- Still Singing After All these Years! – Punya meets Peter Makena and Aneeta in 2013
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