Anam reflects on the importance of our outer appearance. “People prefer to make a positive impact on themselves, rather than trying to impress others.”
A committee of village elders in southern India has banned women from wearing nighties during the day. Geeta Pandey has the story, illustrated by Priya Kuriyan. Published on BBC on November 22, 2018.
Beloved Master,
A few people are feeling not to wear their malas or red clothes, but they consider themselves Rajneeshees and want to live here. How does this fit your vision?
A selection of quotes by Osho about the meaning of the mala and orange/red clothing (in chronological order).
An unusual party that Premyoga’s nephew, Eli, recently attended in California – set to the theme WWC… it’s all in the family.
Viewers of the docuseries Wild Wild Country are in awe of the coloured clothing sannyasins in Rajneeshpuram were wearing. It is presently even trending!
Article in The New York Times shows that the original sannyas colours have become a new fashion trend in New York.
Excerpts from Samudra’s book ‘The Freedom of Having Nothing’ – now available as paperback: Moments in Kyoto, Milan and Hamburg.
Ninety-nine percent of people start meditating because meditation is talked about. There are times when it becomes fashionable.
Excerpt from ‘Skirting the Issue’, an article about trends in Mumbai published in the Mumbai Mirror, India, on September 16, 2015
Beloved Master,
Just the other day, Suman and I went off to Los Angeles via Portland to buy rainbow clothes.
A visual decoding of all types of on-trend shoes, published in Hindustan Times on April 29, 2014
Article by Marc Andrews in the Daily Mail, 2nd April 2014
The ladies shown here in a trailer for a BBC documentary on Channel 4 have an average age of 80. They are determined to look fabulous, have fun and redefine old age.