

Osho speaks on the subject of ‘Sannyasin’: “My sannyas is an opening, a journey, a dance, a love affair with the unknown, a romance with existence itself, in search of an orgasmic relationship with the whole.”

This month’s horoscope by Phoebe with quotes by Osho: “Wherever human mind finds any barrier, any slavery, any limitation, it fights against it. The whole human history is a fight for freedom…”

“…your soul is intrinsically free. You don’t have to ask for it, and you don’t have to struggle for it. It is already there, this very moment,” says Osho.

“Remember that you are alone, there is no God, there are no messengers, and there is no dictator. You have to be decisive about your own life,” states Osho in 1987 after he returns to Pune.

Q: Looking at myself and others here, is it possible there have been others like us – such as Buddha’s disciples? Were they amazed and did they find themselves laughing at how greedy, cunning, inept they appeared and how absolutely unlike what they thought a sannyasin to be – or do we take the cake?

Beloved Osho, I really felt affected when you talked about Rajen the other night, because I feel friendship for him, and I feel he loves you as he did before. I feel that in dropping the mala and the red clothes, he is simply trying to experience something new.

Veeresh asks: Beloved Osho, You have always been an inspiration to me. You give me the courage to continue to do my thing and not compromise in my work, even though I feel like an outcast almost everywhere I go. I need you to say it is okay for me to keep on being a misfit.