

Born and raised in Birmingham, Lola is both British and Nigerian. As the oldest daughter, she started the first generation of British-Nigerian in her family. But to what extent can she lay claim to being Nigerian when she cannot speak her mother tongue? Published on BBC on October 20, 2018.

BBC Two documentary about a young British family’s move to Germany to find out how it is the Germans can work fewer hours than the Greeks and still live in Europe’s economic powerhouse.

Bishop’s Itchington, Westley Waterless: there is plenty to smile or snigger at on a map of the UK. But in fact, these names reveal a hidden – and fascinating – history. James Harbeck writes on March 9, 2016 on BBC.

Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) is the composer who established a strong national tradition for musical creativity in Finland, which flourishes to the present day. He grew up at a time when Finland was fighting for independence from Russia, and the nationalist flavour of his early works invoked adoration from the public and consternation from the authorities.

Q: Osho, why is it that one becomes so attached to the physical peculiarities of a master: his beauty, his gentleness, his language, his mispronunciation – so that alongside the awe and respect he inspires there grows such a feeling of tenderness and familiarity? If this is a device I want to be caught by it forever.

A sannyasin says: With people I am not very close to, it’s easy to make conversation. But with people I am closer to, there is nothing to say. And I don’t feel very comfortable with it. It is as though something is missing.

Listening to people speak, I have often wondered why so many make random, commonplace statements and query them at the same time. Their voice ups and the sentence becomes a question rather than a statement.