In Memoriam of Ma Yoga Laxmi, who left her body 30 years ago, by Ma Dharm Jyoti
An excerpt from chapter 2 of Subhuti’s new edition of his memoir, titled India’s Misfit Mystic: An Insider Journey into Osho’s Life
Film producer Rahul Mittra on Friday announced his next project, a series on Ma Yoga Laxmi, a secretary of controversial spiritual guru Osho Rajneesh. Published in the Deccan Herald on April 23, 2021.
Bhagawati reviews the English translation of Satyananda’s bestseller, published in German in 1979 (‘Ganz entspannt im Hier und Jetzt’).
Excerpt from ‘The Cosmic Madhouse’. It is 1977; Jörg Andrees Elten and Jay Ullal from ‘Stern’ magazine arrived in Poona the day before and met with Arup in the ashram. She invited them to go/come for the morning discourse.
Chapter 15 of Abhiyana’s book, ‘The Long Reach of the Dharma’: “We were all different, as different as could be, yet inextricably linked together through connection with this one man – a Buddha, a Christ in his own right.”
Short video excerpt from an interview given by Ma Yoga Laxmi to an INT office man in the seventies in Pune.
Osho explains, “The India that you know, I have already left… But for whomsoever wants to seek and search and be, India still provides the best climate – spiritual climate, I mean.”
Rashid visited a concert in New Delhi with Hariprasad Chaurasia at Shankar Lal Hall, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi, on January 11, 2018, and also met him off-stage.
Deva Rashid (Rashid Maxwell) talks about his life, his path with Osho and the book ‘The Only Life’ he wrote about Osho’s first sannyasin and secretary, Ma Yoga Laxmi. The interview was filmed during the book launch on 11th December 2017 at Oshodham, Delhi.
A biography of Osho’s first disciple, Laxmi, is an illustration of how to deal with life’s adversities, writes Nivedita R. in The Statesman, Delhi, December 20, 2017.
Kul Bhushan participated in the event at Oshodham on December 11, 2017 – celebrating Osho’s birthday and the launch of the book about Laxmi, ‘The Only Life’, that has held the media’s attention for days.
Launch of Rashid Maxwell’s book about Ma Yoga Laxmi in Delhi. Published in United News of India, December 12, 2017.
Article about Laxmi being asked by Indira Gandhi to help persuade Rajiv Gandhi to enter politics. Published in Economic Times, India, on December 10, 2017.
On Osho’s birthday today, we bring you an excerpt from a new book by Rashid Maxwell that portrays the life and times of his once-favoured disciple. Published in Speaking Tree, December 11, 2017.
Introducing the new book, The Only Life: Osho, Laxmi and a Journey of the Heart by Rashid Maxwell, Urmi Bhattacheryya also includes a few excerpts. Published in ‘The Quint’, India, on December 11, 2017.
Fatima recalls her meetings with Laxmi who nudged her to take sannyas and later, to help write a book about her.
A most significant and comprehensive book about Laxmi’s life written by Rashid Maxwell has been published on December 11, 2017; reviewed by Bhagawati.
Excerpt from the recently published book by Rashid Maxwell, The Only Life: Osho, Laxmi and a Journey of the Heart.
Venue : Osho Dham, 44, Jhatikra Road, Pandwala Khurd, Near Najafgarh, New Delhi – at 3pm on 11th December 2017. Published in Delhi Events on December 8, 2017.
Tonight Sagar came to darshan, telling Osho that Laxmi (the secretary of the organization) has asked him to leave the ashram. He asked Osho if he were really to leave or if this was a message to indicate that he should apply himself more to the work.
The long awaited book of Laxmi’s biography is to be published soon [December 11, 2017]. Kul Bhushan reports from Delhi.