(5 July 1952 – 21 December 2022)
Prabhat tells his story: how he came to sannyas and his experience as a commune member in Poona and Rajneeshpuram.
Prabhat ponders how two groups of people look at, seemingly, the same occurrences and see diametrically different things.
In this second part, Prabhat remembers being an armed security guard towards the end of the Rajneeshpuram experiment.
A small selection from Prabhat’s photographs taken in Tel Aviv, Israel, during the coronavirus lockdown and social distancing time.
New photos by Prabhat (Nimi Getter): “It is an alive and busy town trying to conjure a normal reality, such as known from any other big city in the western world.”
She [Hasya] survived the Holocaust, lived on a kibbutz, helped to produce ‘The Godfather’, and finally found satisfaction as a follower of the guru Osho. Her role in the hit Netflix documentary is merely a cameo, but Françoise Ruddy lived a life worthy of its own miniseries, write Ofer Aderet and Omer Shubert. Published in Haaretz, May 17, 2018