A Cup of Tea (148)
Another Sufi story featuring Akbar: “That girl’s love was far deeper. She was closer to God than I was…”
“Prayer is just your effort to persuade God to do things according to you… I am against prayer. I am for meditation,” says Osho.
Osho says, “You have to remember that wherever you are it is a holy land and whatever you are doing it is divine.”
Osho speaks on these lines in the Desiderata: “Hear then the wisdom of the wise…” and “Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.”
Gratefulness is true communion with existence, writes Pratiksha Apurv. Published in Times of India and Speaking Tree on September 30, 2020.
Osho’s answer to: “Would it not make matters much simpler to somehow impress upon our young ones to begin with God?”
Keerti writes about the unique prayer meditation to deeply cleanse heart and mind. Published in Asian Age.
Osho states, “…millions of gifts are showering on you; just look at those gifts, and you will be surprised. You will be surprised at how you have been missing them..”
“For thousands of years the human mind has believed that by going to a holy pool, to a river or to a pond, all will be good. You want to find cheap ways to get rid of all that you have been doing, you don’t want to take its responsibility on yourself,” states Osho. From our series 1001 Tales, compiled by Shanti.
Osho’s answer to the question: “Is prayer useful? If so, teach me how to pray. I mean, prayer to receive god’s love, to feel his grace.”
Bhagawati questions the effects of popular prayer, chants and well-wishing: “These so-called prayers are all mantras that won’t make anybody wake up but put everybody to sleep with the smug feeling of having ‘done’ something positive.”
Recently, during my flight to Washington DC, I checked the in-flight entertainment menu, writes Keerti in the Deccan Chronicle on August 3, 2017.
Naina discovers the historical background and significance of Assam’s Namghars, the ethnic community prayer halls.
“There is one other thing to be understood. Ordinarily we have the illusion that we are all separate individuals. This is a wrong belief,” declares Osho. From ‘Hidden Mysteries’, Ch 2, Part 7 of 9.
Gramya: I would like to ask about prayer, because I was taught as a child to pray and the prayer was of thanksgiving.
stated the Dalai Lama in an interview with Deutsche Welle. Michael McLaughlin writes in The Huffington Post on November 17, 2015.
Osho explains how gratitude arises out of compassion and is not directed towards anyone in particular.
Editorial by Pratiksha Apurv published in Speaking Tree, Times of India, September 20, 2015.
It appears the concept and practice of meditation is becoming more and more mainstream in the western world.