Frog in Hot Water


4 – Sandipa and Sambodhi Prem talk about detox, food, water and tasting…


There are many detox products on the market, but we don’t recommend them. There’s colonics and enemas, not sure what they introduce to the guts but we tend to prefer putting things in from the top end – seems more natural. There are boxed up herbal packages and many courses with diets to do… we don’t recommend them either because the effective way of dealing with this issue requires time, strategy, a naturopath and most of all, fundamental adjustments. Knocking the bad bacteria on the head with a quick and fast clean-out product over a few weeks can sound like an instant fix, but it’s unlikely to be effective in the long run, because the bacteria can see trouble coming and turn into cyst form, evasively waiting until things become more hospitable – ie when you go back to your old ways.

No, the right way is like the slow but steady approach – like the old story where the frog in the water doesn’t feel the water slowly heating up all around him until it’s too late. With the bacteria and candida it’s the same: while they’re slowly but steadily being starved out, they don’t have anything to react to. They just become more and more weakened to the point of dying off and are then eliminated – flushed down the digestive tract.

Do this long, steady and slow!

This book is not a blow by blow manual on how to detox, see a naturopath for that, but we don’t mind to outline a few of the things we did.

During our detox years we took (plant-based) ‘Enzymes’ from Avena Originals, plus their ‘Electric C’ and high quality ‘Minerals’, and also ‘Herb Cocktail’ that gently cleanses and tones the intestinal lining. All four contain essential nutrients to support detox.

The enzymes do more than to help digestion – they are vital workers, characters who are catalysts for essential cell functions all through the body…. These are ‘enzymes that work’.

Food for life

So what do you eat during a detox? Eat as much as you like…it’s not a diet, but a way of eating!

  • Plenty of vegetables, as much as you like of all types, both raw and cooked. Served with raw organic butter on them, or (untreated, unheated) virgin coconut oil.
  • After a couple of months, introduce a small amount of animal protein if you want to.
  • Grains – limited to (pre-soaked) cooked quinoa, millet or amaranth… with butter.
  • You can introduce a little (pre-soaked, long-slow-cooked) rice after 3 months.
  • No bread for months. Nor beans.
  • No sugar, nothing sweet to the taste, ie no fruit, honey etc for 6 months.
  • Soaked almonds, the alkaline nut, are good as a snack, but peel them before eating. Blanch them in boiling water for a couple of seconds, then drop in cold water – the skins come off easily this way.
  • Lemon – a few drops on salad is good (once a day only, spares your tooth calcium)

Plus good water between meals. Good to drink enough water when detoxing… flushing out all the old stuff lodged around the body. When? Up to half hour before eating and not ’til 2 or 3 hours after eating. Never drink water during a meal – amongst other things, it dilutes the digestive juices. Better to take liquid in health-promoting mineral rich broths and soups.

Emotional release

We recommend doing Osho Dynamic or Osho Kundalini Active Meditation to help release food related emotions – to release yourself from being dictated to by a square centimeter of taste buds on your tongue!

A day in the life of a detoxer – times to eat and times to drink

Over the early morning hours… slowly drink 2 glasses of water. Recommend one of them to have lemon and a quality bio-electric vitamin C, with the ingredients derived from whole foods, as quality supplements should be.

An hour later… a small bowl of well prepared grain with butter, plus maybe seaweed. Include vegies also if preferred. And enzymes.

After 2 hours… drink slowly a glass of water, plus enzymes.
A couple of months in, raw milk (not pasteurised milk) or kefir can be substituted.

Main meal… at least half an hour after drinking water. Either vegies and potato or vegies and grain. Or else vegies and protein. Alternate between the two.

Soups are good for variety and sea vegetables too. Keep the food varied and delicious!
Green vegie juices are a nutrient-dense food… can replace salad, saves some chewing!
But do chew your juice and sip it very slowly with food.
Serve all carbohydrates (including vegie) with coconut oil or butter, or cheese (organic & raw) or olive oil.
Nothing fried. Keep the oils unheated and intact. Put them on the vegetables after they’ve been steamed or baked.
Heated oils are full of free radicals, their nutritional value has deteriorated – some say they’re carcinogenic. (Fats such as butter or ghee handle heating better, but eat no heated oils during detox.)

3 or 4 hours after main meal… when your food has digested, drink a small glass of water.

If hungry in the early evening, snack or light meal, vege soup for instance.

The daily rhythm is good…

We still enjoy a rhythm like this and when we go off for the day we leave home with a balanced meal in a casserole dish complete with salad on top plus our homemade fermented sauerkraut. No more strange bread sandwiches or bread rolls, or chips loaded with free radicals picked up somewhere along the road.

Granny to the rescue

Going back to your great-grandmother’s generation: would she recognize what’s on today’s supermarket shelves as food? Imagine shopping with her at your local supermarket, what do you think she would buy?

Don’t eat stuff that will last longer than you will.

Try to avoid eating stuff that is packed in plastic (food writer Michael Pollan calls them ‘edible food-like substances’), food that is meant to last forever – it will not give anything to your body and it might last longer than you will… and that’s plain weird.

A friend once gave the advice that when you’re in a supermarket, buy from the outside of the supermarket, not from the centre. Let me explain: in supermarkets you often find the fresh produce, like the fruit and vegetables etc. on the outside, nearest to the walls. On the inside, in the center, you find the unhealthy, packed stuff, the chips, the fluffy breads, the toxic cleaning products and the diet coke. Stay away.

Deep taste

It’s amazing that such a small area on your tongue, where your taste buds reside, can have such a big influence on what you choose to eat. I’m talking about the taste of food versus how food makes you feel inside once you’ve eaten it…

We eat things because we like the taste, but I’d like to invite you to pay attention to how you feel after you’ve eaten, how does it feel in your body… rather than on your taste buds? Do you feel deeply nourished?

There is a difference between enjoying a meal and enjoying how you feel two or three hours after a meal.


Read on in our next issue…
Read all previous parts…
If you wish to download Sambodhi Prem and Sandipa’s book, please go to: The All and Everything of Healthy Living


Sambodhi and SandipaSambodhi Prem and Sandipa have experienced the world of alternative health for years and now they’d like to share what they’ve learned. They are two artists, musicians and gardeners… what do you get when they decide to write a book about health? You get a book that’s more poetic, more from the gut and from the heart, than from the head, because they’re able to say things that many health professionals don’t dare to say… When you have been on the brink of death (like one of them has) and been around the block with intestinal malfunction, depressed immune system, migraines, or walked up a flight of stairs and felt so tired that you needed a day’s rest, you start looking for answers.
We have previously met Sambodhi Prem and Sandipa in this magazine as singers and songwriters, when we presented their song Sweetness
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