“Remember, wherever you pay your attention, that becomes your reality,” states Osho.
Remember, wherever you pay your attention, that becomes your reality of life. If you pay your attention to pebbles, they become diamonds – because wherever is your attention, there is your treasure.
I have heard, it happened once:
A railway employee accidentally trapped himself in a refrigerator car. He could neither escape nor attract the attention of anybody to his sad plight, so he resigned himself to a tragic fate. The record of his approaching death was scribbled on the wall of the car in these words: “I am becoming colder. Still colder now. Nothing to do but wait. These may be my last words.”
And they were. When the car was opened, the searchers were astonished to find him dead. There was no physical reason for his death. The temperature of the car was a moderate fifty-six degrees. Only in the mind of the victim did the freezing apparatus work. There was plenty of fresh air; he had not suffocated.
He died of his own wrong attention. He died of his own fears. He died of his own mind. It was a suicide.
Remember, wherever you pay your attention, that becomes your reality. And once it becomes a reality, it becomes powerful to attract you and your attention. Then you pay more attention to it: it becomes even more of a reality and, by and by, the unreal that is created by your mind becomes your only reality and the real is completely forgotten.
Osho, Yoga, the Alpha and the Omega – Discourses on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Vol 7, Ch 1 (excerpt)
Series compiled by Shanti
All excerpts of this series can be found in: 1001 Tales
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