A cook-along video with Veet. Have fun – and bon appetit!
Salting Eggplant
OK, what is the story with eggplants? Many are declaring they can’t eat eggplants these days as they are nightshades. People with autoimmune disease or arthritis are being advised that the alkaloids in nightshades (tomatoes, eggplant, tamarillos, capsicums, potatoes) may be harmful. However at this stage there is no research to indicate this. Some people cut them out and have a noticeable difference and others don’t. For those people who don’t have autoimmune diseases, eggplants and other nightshades boast a whole range of essential nutrients and wonderful health benefits.
Eggplants for example are high in antioxidants and rich in the anthocyanin pigment, which can be effective in protecting cells against the damage of free radicals thus preventing cancer and other diseases. The high antioxidant content also assists in regulating heart health. The high content of polyphenols in eggplants have been known to reduce sugar absorption regulating blood sugar levels.
Eggplants do contain solanine, which in high doses can be toxic, however this does not generally occur as high levels of solanine need to be present for toxicity. The solanine can cause digestion issues for some people and that is why many people who have cooked with eggplant over generations have salted eggplant. It is best to salt overnight as this gives the salt longer to release the solanine.
Then, the next day you rinse off the salt, discard the water that has drained from the eggplant and pat dry each piece.
The ingredients
2 medium eggplants cut into strips and salted and left in the fridge overnight
2 tomatoes roughly chopped
1 onion finely diced
1 chilli finely chopped
6 kaffir lime leaves cut into a fine powder
Juice of 1 to 2 lemons
1 tbsp tamari
Wash off the salt from the eggplant and drain any of the water.
The rest of the method is in video as it is a cook-along series.
First published on Page 110 of Veet’s book
Veet’s Cuisine
Delicious Vegan Recipes
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