Human Design: June 2024 
Monthly Trends


This month’s planet transits discussed by Marga; “Let us not forget to celebrate these changes, perhaps on Summer Solstice, which could be the happiest and most carefree day in a long, long time…”


You are carrying the seed within you. It is already treasured in the deepest core of your being, waiting and waiting and waiting for obstacles to be removed so that it can unfold. God is your intrinsic quality; God is your destiny. You are the seed and God is going to be the flower out of this seed.

Osho, The Beloved, Vol. 2 , Ch 1

Pluto, for the whole month retrograde in Gate 60, Limitation (Line 6, Being Idealist), comes back to urge us or at least make us reflect on issues such as boundaries, constraints or any other means that can reduce or deprive us of freedom. Needless to say, the secret lies in understanding and transcending – as I have already mentioned a few times – especially since these will be the last hits…

The great star this month is the Channel of Talent, 16-48, which is formed twice: from the 6th to the 8th when the South Node connects with Venus, and from the 20th until mid-July when it connects with Jupiter.

These movements will create a very fertile and creative field, although they are lacking the energy to bring projects to fruition by themselves. But, thanks to the presence of no less than TWO manifesting Channels, the possibility of reaping some beautiful juicy and ripe fruits will present itself. Firstly, we will have Channel 45-21, Money (yes, you are reading this correctly), formed by the Sun and the North Node (7 to 12 June) and secondly Channel 12-22, Opening, formed by the Sun and Saturn (13 to 18 June).

The involvement of Nodes always represent a point of departure (S) and a point of arrival (N). Therefore, we could well experience that our achievements, whether material or immaterial, feel limited by a well-circumscribed radius. This could have been going on for a while in our lives, but could come to fruition this month – or in some cases – show its unattainability, and therefore allow us to move on.

Saturn also suggests that the nature of realisations could be spiritual or emotional, or a consolidation of long-standing projects. This is not to discourage us, but to remind us that ‘manifestation’ does not always mean the achievement of a desired goal, especially if there is no clarity of purpose. We only ever reap what we sow….

The good news is: on 7th June Uranus finally exits Gate 23, Assimilation, to enter Gate 8, Contribution, where it will remain until early December.

After more than 12 months, this period of crumbling, disintegration and shattering, which could have led us to inertia and/or to a long and tiring ‘digestion’, is temporarily coming to an end and will allow us to breathe a long sigh of relief. (Uranus will return to Gate 23 on 5th December, to leave it for good, at least for about eighty years, on 25 March 2025.)

In Gate 8, Uranus will gradually be able to return to express some of its fundamental and graceful Aquarian nature, although it has been severely muted while positioned in the more static sign of Taurus where it has been since March 2019. Gate 8 is still primarily in Taurus, but is already looking towards the air sign Gemini, which it will reach in Line 6, where Uranus feels much better placed!

A very important month then, this month of June…

Let us not forget to celebrate these changes, perhaps on Summer Solstice, which could be the happiest and most carefree day in a long, long time…

The original text can be found on the website of the Italian Osho Times: – photo credit Vito Technologies


Marga is a writer, translator, editor, astrologer, Human Design consultant and Gene Keys guide.

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