Meditation is the death of the mind

More by Osho

Osho replies in writing to the question: ‘Can one meditate on a formless entity? And if so, will the formless remain formless?’

Question 1 from Mann Ke Paar

Meditation has no relation with form or formless.
Nor does meditation have any relation to any specific object.
Meditation is about being free from objects.
Like deep sleep.
But, in sleep, there is no consciousness.
And in meditation, consciousness is total.
In other words, sleep is unconscious meditation.
Or meditation is conscious sleep.

In deep sleep, we are in the same space where
we are in meditation.
But, in unconscious meditation also we are there where we are in sleep!
Thus, being awake while sleeping is meditation.
Or, sleeping while awake is meditation.
Then what is known is neither form nor formless.
That is formless within form or form within formless.

In reality there is no conflict, no duality
and hence all our words become meaningless.
There is neither the knower nor the known,
neither observer nor observed.
Therefore, it is impossible to say what is there.
Not difficult, but impossible.

Meditation is the death of the mind,
and language is the mind’s consort,
she becomes sati* with the mind.
She does not know how to live as a widow; even if she knows, she cannot live and her remarriage is also not possible.
Because that which lies beyond the mind
is forever disinterested in marrying her.
It is already married to emptiness.

Question 1 from Mann Ke Paar


Translation of the first entry in the booklet, Man Ke Paar (मन के पार) (Beyond the Mind), a collection of writings by Osho from 1970. Translation in Gujarati, Manni Paar (મનની પાર). Credit to Osho Resources Centre (

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