Osho speaks on ‘Decision’ in a darshan; “Whenever it is a question of choosing between the old and the new, always choose the new.”
When you are taking a vital decision to change something, great anxiety precedes it. That’s natural. The anxiety simply says that the old is familiar and the new is unfamiliar – what are you going to do? The mind says ‘Cling to the old’ and the being says ’Go and explore the new.’
That is the anxiety. It always precedes any great decision. But there is no need to take much note of it. It will disappear the moment you have taken the decision. It will remain there if you don’t take the decision, it will persist. It will become a torture, it will be an agony, a nightmare. It can be relieved immediately; if you take the decision it is relieved. Then the mind relaxes. It knows ‘Now you have taken the jump there is no point in persisting.’ But you can wait – if you want to torture yourself you can wait a few days more. But it is going to happen. I have decided!
My feeling is: just take the jump and let this anxiety disappear. Why waste energy in anxiety? The same energy can be used for the adventure. And always remember one thing: whenever it is a question of choosing between the old and the new, always choose the new because with the new something is possible.
Osho, Let Go! Ch 19
Featured image: Getti Images
Quote published in The Book: An Introduction to the Teachings of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
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