Two Techniques for Helping Make a Decision

Healing & Meditation

‘The Graph’ and ‘Painting the Possibilities’, from Madhuri’s upcoming book about Healing Techniques


I’ve used both of these quite a bit. Ultimately I’ll end up doing what I end up doing, but during the stage where the mind is grappling with different possibilities, it can be reassuring to have methods that help you look at the thing in an objective manner.

First Technique: The Graph

This one is entirely non-esoteric. It uses numbers and logic; which can be fun to play with and quite helpful in seeing what’s what.

You will need

  • a sheet of A4 paper
  • a clipboard
  • a pen

The method

Suppose that you are trying to decide whether to have a holiday in Corfu or in France. Divide the paper in three vertically. At the top of the left-hand column, write Factors. Then write Corfu at the top of the next section, and France at the top of the third.

In the Factors column, make a list of all the factors that are important for you, such as:

  • Nature
  • Friends
  • Food
  • Cost
  • Meditation
  • Privacy
  • Climate
  • Dancing
  • Shopping
  • …or whatever they might be

So now you have a column on the left with the list in it, and two areas on the right with the destination possibilities written on top.

Go down the list and, under each possibility, give a numerical value from 1 to 10, with 10 being best and 1 being worst, for each item.


  • Nature: France 8, Corfu 7
  • Friends: France 3, Corfu 8
  • Food: France 9, Corfu 6
  • Cost: France 2, Corfu 2 (meaning, both are going to cost more than you’d like!)

…And so on. Go on until the list is all done and you’ve got numbers for each item under each place. (You might keep thinking of more factors you want to value, so just write them in and write numbers opposite them.)

Now, just add up the numbers and put the total under each column. Hey presto! You’ve got a logical decision, based on subjective and objective factors. And, of course, ultimately you’ll just go with what feels right. But this can help.

Second Technique: Painting the Possibilities

You will need

  • A list of the possibilities (if there are more than two).
  • As many pieces of paper as there are possibilities. (I once, way back in the 90’s, was going to buy a round-the-world ticket and wanted to decide which places to visit. So I used a lot of pieces of paper!)
  • Markers, crayons, coloured pencils or crayons – whatever art supplies you want to use. (With this method I don’t go in to the whole watercolour thing, it seems useful enough just to use whatever is at hand.)

The method

Without thinking about it, quickly make a drawing/painting of the first possibility. Lay it aside and do the second. Continue until all the possibilities are done.

Then, put the drawings aside and go get a drink of water or go for a stroll or do some housework, or whatever.

Later, come back and look at the drawings. Which one looks best to you? Most attractive? Lightest or happiest? Or whatever it is that you’re needing from the thing?

Featured image: iStock

This technique will be part of Madhuri’s upcoming book, titled Techniques I Have Loved

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Madhuri is a healer, artist, poet and author of several books, Reluctantly to Kunzum La being her latest one.

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