Osho speaks on ‘Decision’ in a darshan; “Whenever it is a question of choosing between the old and the new, always choose the new.”
Rico Provasoli: The still, small voice within has been promised to lead us out of confusion, into clarity. But how can we be certain that this voice is guiding us, not beguiling us?
Subhan suggests that the next time we need to take a decision we try to listen to the body’s message
“Somebody throws [the responsibility] on God, somebody on karma, somebody on destiny, somebody on the I Ching, but people go on giving it to somebody else.”
“If your life is becoming insane just look deep down – you will find that all this deciding is driving you mad too,” says Osho.
Punya interviews Nisarg on her favourite subject: Human Design. Part one is about finding our own inner authority to become more relaxed and centred.
To be or not to be, to act or not to act, to re-act or not to re-act; those are questions for all of us. Marc delves into the topic of decision-making.
Shantamo explains the significance of the Emotional Center, be it Defined, Undefined or Open. He also talks about decision-making according to Emotional Authority, as an individual as well as in a group.
During a darshan Osho says, “Whenever you start thinking of the future and the past too much, just relax and pay attention to your breathing.”
The future depends upon decisions made in the present, whether of the company, or of life, so it better be the right one, writes Amrit Sadhana in the Deccan Chronicle, India, on September 7, 2016
Q: I have a belief that in order to grow I have to take risks, and in order to take risks I have to make decisions. Then when I try to make decisions I am filled with anxiety that I will make a wrong choice, as if my life depended on it. What is this craziness?
Intuition’s most important role is that it alerts us to the path, people, and circumstances that we will uniquely find fulfilling, writes Julie Eakin in Spirituality & Health.