
Aliens / Extraterrestrials

A brief look at their well-documented history and the ongoing denial by most governments that they exists; by Bhagawati.

The mystery isn’t going away – on the contrary, more and more elaborate and stunning ‘drawings’ appear in fields, more often than not in the British countryside. Article by Bhagawati.

In a recently published study, empirical evidence shows the likelihood of humans being the only intelligent life form in the history of the universe as ten-billion-trillion to one. Published in Russia Today on May 17, 2016

As reported by Andrew Fazekas in National Geographic News, for the first time particles of ‘alien’ origin were gathered by the IBEX probe, originating from interstellar space which offer clues to the anatomy of our local galactic neighborhood. This is a fascinating discovery indeed, yet we must insist for science to focus more on the immediate needs of our planet!