Osho, I find myself mostly attracted to women and very rarely deeply to a man. I am a little bothered about it. Could you please say something about it?
“The deepest core of being is non-being. The foundation of isness is nothingness. And when I say nothingness I don’t mean nothingness – I only mean no-thingness.”
Osho speaks on the subject of ‘Sannyasin’: “My sannyas is an opening, a journey, a dance, a love affair with the unknown, a romance with existence itself, in search of an orgasmic relationship with the whole.”
Osho answers a question by Madhura and says, “Dance your aloneness, sing your aloneness, live your aloneness!”
Q: Why do I allow women to hold power over me, to accept or reject me? This old rut makes nonsense at heart. I want to get out.
Osho comments on the quote from the Desiderata: ‘Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter…’
Osho speaks on ‘Aloneness’; “Aloneness and silence are two aspects of one experience… If one wants to experience silence one has to go into one’s total aloneness.”
Yogasanas are a great tool for training the inner being, so that the body learns to follow our intentions, writes Pratiksha Apurv. Published in Times of India and Speaking Tree, June 19, 2020
Osho tells an anecdote from his school days (with audio) – “…if you are aware, suddenly you are alone.”
To counter inactivity and boredom, you can easily create a meditative situation for yourself and your friends, writes Kul Bhushan.
In solitude the absence of the other is not felt. We are complete just by ourselves, writes Pratiksha Apurv in Speaking Tree. Published on July 6, 2019.
Vasumati explores the causes of our relationship problems and maintains that we can use our relationships as a way to wake up.
Loneliness, one of the latest lifestyle trends is increasingly becoming a regular phenomenon; Naina explores the issue. Published in Daily Excelsior (Jammu and Kashmir), India, on July 2, 2017.
Article by Rafia Morgan; “We often use spiritual practice and beliefs to avoid dealing with our painful feelings, our unresolved wounds, and our personal needs.”
Never belonged,
Never been on the ‘inside’,
Never felt ‘at one’ with another,
Why such a loner all my life?
Meditation is really essential for those individuals who pursue the profession of acting, writes Keerti in the Deccan Chronicle, India, on February 3, 2016.
A letter from Seeds of Wisdom: “The night has not yet given way to the dawn, and the sky is still studded with departing stars.”
Excerpt from an article by Carolyn Gregoire in The Huffington Post, published on March 21, 2015
Leela writes that life is not just about being with the other. It is about finding your inner being.
Walter ‘Walt’ Whitman (May 31, 1819 – March 26, 1892) was an American poet, essayist and journalist.
Continuation from A Tremendous Poona Fiction Story The questioner has asked: “What do you mean by ‘the way of religion’? I have always been so strongly against religion that I cannot imagine what it means.” True. If you are against religion, how can you understand it? If you are FOR religion, then too you cannot understand