
Aloneness / Loneliness

Osho, I find myself mostly attracted to women and very rarely deeply to a man. I am a little bothered about it. Could you please say something about it?

Osho speaks on the subject of ‘Sannyasin’: “My sannyas is an opening, a journey, a dance, a love affair with the unknown, a romance with existence itself, in search of an orgasmic relationship with the whole.”

Yogasanas are a great tool for training the inner being, so that the body learns to follow our intentions, writes Pratiksha Apurv. Published in Times of India and Speaking Tree, June 19, 2020

Continuation from A Tremendous Poona Fiction Story The questioner has asked: “What do you mean by ‘the way of religion’? I have always been so strongly against religion that I cannot imagine what it means.” True. If you are against religion, how can you understand it? If you are FOR religion, then too you cannot understand