“Pravira means one who is very courageous. And the greatest courage in life is to live totally, in spite of all the priests and all the people who want you not to be joyous, not to be living totally.”
Osho speaks on further lines from the Desiderata, starting with ‘Neither be cynical about love… Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.’
“Whatsoever you think about yourself, starts happening. You create your world by your thought, you create your world by your desire,” states Osho.
“Desire means rejection of something – desirelessness means acceptance – you are happy as things are. In fact, things are irrelevant, you are happy. You are happy, that’s the point.” says Osho. From our series 1001 Tales, compiled by Shanti.
“If you are intelligent you will see the futility of greed. If you are intelligent you will not miss today for tomorrow. You will not sacrifice this moment for another moment, you will live this moment in its totality,” states Osho. From our series 1001 Tales, compiled by Shanti.
Osho speaks on the nature of desire and man’s state of mind. “Man is not a being but a process of becoming. Hence there is so much misery, anxiety, anguish.”
Osho speaks on the inner and outer senses, referring to the book, ‘Light on the Path’. He says that the book “was dictated by the Masters to Mabel Collins.” Part 1 of 2. “If your inner senses are penetrating… you can also tune yourself to the divine.”