Part 16 of Shanti’s series quotes these scientists: Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Galileo Galilei, Jane Goodall, Rachel Carson, Camille Flammarion
Shanti, excited about the prospect of having an observatory for gravitational waves built right under his mobile home, explains the implications of it.
Intuition that cannot be explained by knowledge or experience is actually the centre of consciousness, writes Pratiksha Apurv. Published in The Times of India and Speaking Tree, November 21, 2020.
Beloved Osho,
From birth onwards, time seemed to me to go faster and faster. But since we left America, just over two months ago, it feels to me like whole lifetimes have passed. Osho, what have you done to time?
The attribution of this quote to Einstein is debatable – yet it is so beautiful it must be shown! Thanks to Kul Bhushan
Article 42: This is the time either to destroy your whole Earth or to destroy all these arbitrary conceptions of nation, race and religion, to rebuild humankind and to make the whole Earth one humanity.
Article 40: We have seen by now how the universe created man. No, nothing mentioned in the earlier contributions can be left out! Everything is needed for that one little girl, for that one boy, for every one of us.
Beloved Osho,
Why have human beings gone through this struggle since the very beginning? Were there not already highly developed civilizations living on this earth? And yet their consciousness got lost and man had to start all over again.
The 2 most dangerous numbers in the universe are threatening the end of physics. Jessica Orwig writes in the Business Insider on January 15, 2016.
Quantum equation predicts the universe has no beginning, writes Lisa Zyga on Phys Org, February 6, 2015
Published by The Asian Age, India, on November 10, 2014
Tim Sparks, on IdeaPod, September 14, 2014
Last month, a hand-written letter by Albert Einstein was auctioned on eBay, and went for more than 3 Million Dollars to an anonymous online bidder.