Osho speaks on Teilhard de Chardin’s four stages of human evolution.
Divakar reflects on ecology and climate change, and asks: “This beautiful planet is changing. The climate is changing. What does the future hold for humanity?”
Osho explains the four ages the Indian mystics call ‘satyuga’, ‘treta’, ‘dwapar’, and ‘kaliyug’, and declares that darkness and unconsciousness can only be broken by people whose life has become meditation.
A hot debate has gripped India, after Satyapal Singh, India’s minister for higher education, emphatically stated that Darwin’s theory of evolution is wrong. Published in The Guardian, on January 23, 2018.
“I do not believe in Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. Once in a while I mention him, but that is simply a kind of joke and nothing else; I don’t believe in the theory of evolution,” states Osho.
With the third eye you become capable of seeing things which are there, but which cannot be seen with ordinary eyes, says Osho.
Wise and spot-on healthy relationship pointers by Mark Denicola. Published in Collective Evolution and SOTT on June 28, 2016.
Article 47: It may take a couple of ‘weeks’, but there will be a new glacial period, Betelgeuse will explode in a supernova, the coral reef ecosystems will recover and the widening East African Rift valley will be flooded by the Red Sea.
In an interview with Mike Wolfe of KBND Radio, Bend, Oregon, Osho answers about the construction of a genealogical, bionic person, about superman, and the evolutionary process, creating a man who needs no healing.
Meditation is a subtle death – a deep death of you, your mind, your ego, of all that makes you defined. But that which is within is there. That is pure consciousness.
Part 6: From a few millionths of a second after the Big Bang onwards, the chronology of the development of the universe is being studied, understood and mapped by modern physics.
Part 5: According to the dissident Cyclic Universe theory, the Big Bang was not the beginning of time, but the bridge to a past, filled with endlessly repeating cycles of evolution.
Osho says:
“Animals should be loved, should be respected,
because somewhere at some time
they will also reach to the same consciousness as you.”