Article by Andrea Gibson subtitled, The joy of choosing curiosity over certainty, published on Substack, 23 July 2024
A lack of knowledge is at the heart of our most profound experiences says Rory Stewart in the Radio Times (6-12 July 2024)
An article by Pratiksha Apurv, published in The Speaking Tree (The Times of India), October 12, 2022.
Osho states, “When you are seeing a sunset and you are overwhelmed by its beauty, in that moment there is knowing.”
Osho comments on the last stanzas of Desiderata: ‘Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.’
Osho states, “Each system is perfect and works. But don’t mix it with anything else; let it function on its own.”
Osho speaks on these lines in the Desiderata: “Hear then the wisdom of the wise…” and “Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.”
Osho’s letter to Krishna Saraswati, 18 February 1971 – with a Sufi story. English translation by Ma Priyanshi.
Excerpts from a talk given by Vandana Shiva, well-known Indian physicist, thinker, author, environmental activist and food sovereignty advocate.
Let life lead us towards our inner spiritual experience, suggests Pratiksha Apurv. Published in Speaking Tree, February 17, 2019.
“The deepest realization of astrology is that your past must be unlocked,” states Osho. From ‘Hidden Mysteries’, Ch 5, Part 5 of 6.
“Always remember, the universe is unknowable, absolutely, because it is alive. Analysis kills,” states Osho.
People used to be skilled in creating much out of little, doing things with their hands, skilled in survival.
A.R. Rahman quotes Osho in a fairly recent CNN IBN Interview.
Hal Hodson reports in New Scientist on August 20, 2014 that Google is building the largest store of knowledge in human history – and it’s doing so without any human help.