Abundance of colors in this double show of Michael Sudheer’s photographs from his recent visit to Europe
Kul Bhushan writes about the time when sannyasins took over the London Hotel Café Royal on Regent Street for a weekend of song and dance, meditations and exhibitions.
A heartful welcome from Nitya and the Osho Sakshi team to take part in their monthly meditation retreats.
Chetna’s thoughts about her transition between a life based on old habits, well in line with that of her friends, to a new, alcohol-free life filled with Osho’s meditations.
About an extraordinary journey that was made possible by the largest silver objects ever produced. Explained by Neil MacGregor, former director of the British Museum.
Julian Assange has been in the news almost on a daily basis, ever since top secret US military reports and innumerable diplomatic cables were leaked by him two years ago.