To conclude her series of articles on Synchronicity, Phoebe refers to Osho’s words on the symbolism of the cross representing the horizontal and the vertical states of consciousness
Article 47: It may take a couple of ‘weeks’, but there will be a new glacial period, Betelgeuse will explode in a supernova, the coral reef ecosystems will recover and the widening East African Rift valley will be flooded by the Red Sea.
The 2 most dangerous numbers in the universe are threatening the end of physics. Jessica Orwig writes in the Business Insider on January 15, 2016.
Part 6: From a few millionths of a second after the Big Bang onwards, the chronology of the development of the universe is being studied, understood and mapped by modern physics.
Triggered by e-mail conversations with Bhagawati where the question arose ‘What is time?’, Bodhisagar felt inspired to write about his understanding.
Here’s something to challenge the average attention span: allow yourself a little more than 15 minutes to watch this absorbing presentation clearly lining out that we are all one.