
Music Reviews

A two-track digital-only single recently released by Shastro. “We feel that Shangri-La does indeed exist but it can only be found inside, in our own inner shrine…”

Shangri-la by ShastroTracks

Searching for Shangri-La 5:27

Finding Shangri-La 8:08

Total time 13:35

The first track is inspired by the search and the second by the discovery of the legendary Shangri-La. The first is the alap introduction to the second.

Through the years Shangri-La has become synonymous with an earthly paradise where people live in union and harmony with themselves and each other.

We feel that Shangri-La does indeed exist but it can only be found inside, in our own inner shrine.

This music is dedicated to that intimate search.

Available as mp3 or as WAV file from

ShastroShastro took sannyas in 1981. Trained in Italy as a fashion photographer, he had the opportunity to photograph Osho on various occasions in Pune. His creativity soon expanded to music and, together with Sirus, he composed the music for the No Dimensions Meditation. He later founded Malimba Records that, as of today, features 14 of his albums as well as those of 12 other sannyasin musicians. Shastro lives between USA, India and Italy. – link to articles by and reviews for this author on Osho News

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