Human Design: September 2023
Monthly Trends


This month’s planet transits discussed by Marga.

mind artwork

The real peace is not something like an interval between two disturbances, two wars; it is a transcendence of all conflict, of all duality. And that is the true function of meditation: to create a space in you where you can be rich, infinitely rich, utterly peaceful, absolutely ecstatic.

Osho, Don’t Let Yourself Be Upset by the Sutra, rather Upset the Sutra Yourself, Ch 27

As of 27th August, with the exit of the North Node from Gate 3, the transformational energy field of the Channel of Mutation, 3-60, active since last May, will come to an end. For some it will be like having gone through a narrow tunnel and suddenly finding themselves outside, only to find that much, much has changed, inside and out.

In September, starting from the 4th, we are witnessing a rather peculiar phenomenon: all the slow planets – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto – are in retrograde. This means that, collectively and in different realms of human experiences – introspection, reflection and revision – that acted as background during previous months, will now become the main characters. This will allow us to better ‘digest’ the transformations, changes and mutations that many of us have been going through. For a better understanding, let us see in detail what these ‘realms of human experiences’ are.

Jupiter, planet of munificence and expansion, is in Gate 2, Receptivity, which means there is now an openness – be it an inner guide or outer goal – to go in the direction that our life has taken or wants to take.

Saturn, an essential, sometimes privative and somehow stiff planet, is in Gate 55, Abundance, and will take us to reevaluate our relationships (including with ourselves) and perhaps help us take a distance from situations and people who do not support our unique individual journey. (Let’s remember Gate 55 is a creative and emotional Gate, not a material one.)

Uranus, a planet which is usually dynamic and full of improvisation, is in Gate 23, Assimilation. It invites us to come to terms with whatever has not yet managed to settle in our lives completely, and for which we might finally have to take full responsibility. Remember, the gaze points inwards, not towards what’s or who’s on the outside.

Neptune, a mysterious and elusive planet, as emotional as it is distant, is in Gate 36, Crisis Resolution. It urges us to keep feeling and fully living our humanity – which is not always easy – and even to better understand the humanity of others… Neptune will be in this position until 7th December, when it will resume its direct motion, but only to leave Gate 36 on 10th April 2024…

There is plenty of time to make a real journey out of this, not just a stretch of road to be endured or travelled without really being present…

Let’s not forget that Neptune is in the sign of Pisces, in its darkest degrees and at the same time with the highest potential for compassion and acceptance. From Jack the Ripper to the Buddha, we are all uniquely and equally human…

Finally, Pluto, a planet as dark and subterranean as it is, charged with an atomic and transformative energy, is still in Gate 60, Limitation. On its retrograde journey (May till October) it invites us to understand what it means to transcend limits and boundaries, rather than us trying to overcome or remove them.

The original text can be found on the website of the Italian Osho Times:


Marga is a writer, translator, editor, astrologer, Human Design consultant and Gene Keys guide.


Featured image: Despite extensive research, we were unable to place name of artist

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