Wadud’s special: a bioenergetic exercise for groups

Healing & Meditation

Madhuri remembers an exercise from the School of Mysticism

Man looking in mirror

I’m pretty sure we did this in the Osho Mystic Ring training, in the School of Mysticism. So I’ve only done it once, but it was a doozy! It’s a bit like Wadud’s Past Life accessing technique, but in that one you walk around and exaggerate body movements. In this one you sit, with a mirror; and it isn’t the intention to access past lives necessarily – though of course they might arise!

Although technically you could do this alone, it’s really best if you have energetic support, as you can get really ‘out there’. So when we did it there were energy workers roaming and being supportive wherever the energy was moving. (This was when I heard Wadud say a fascinating thing: The energy workers should go to where energy was moving – to where people were groaning and thrashing and catharting – rather than going to where energy was stuck and trying to unstick it.)

The Theory

The smallest habitual movement we make can contain within it an enormous well of subconscious energy, hiding in it or behind it. Freeing that stored force can deliver us into new inner worlds!

You will need

  • Orange Aura Soma Pomander, if you have it and know how to use it
  • trained energy workers, to be supportive but not proactive

For each person

  • a mirror about 3 feet tall, and something to prop it against
  • a pallet
  • a shawl or blanket

The Method

Each person sits on a cushion on their pallet, facing their mirror. Make sure there is enough room in between people so that each feels private and alone.

Ask them to think of a sentence about themselves that they feel comfortable saying – something they identify with. Wadud used the example, “I love Alvina” (his girlfriend). It could be, “I am a millionaire!” (if you are) or, “I am a good carpenter,” or “I have a short temper,” or “I’m a big mu’fu’ with spiky hair,” or “I’m a little woman with a nice smile,” or anything at all. It might be, “I hate work,” or “I love to ski,” or “I wanna be an artist” – anything at all that feels like a relevant truth just now.

Looking in the mirror, say that sentence over and over, exaggerating your body movements as you do so.

Allow the body movements to become extremely big, and keep going. If pain comes, breathe, scream, whatever happens. Go on and on!

I would start without music, and then when the room is really erupting in howls and yowls you could put on Eternity by Shardad Rohani, or Chariots of Fire, or the like – something big and swooping.

Energy workers move about being helpful and supportive. This means, not doing anything to people but just being with them, in their field, moving your hands intuitively, holding space for their changes.

After half an hour or so – could be 40 minutes – the music tapers off and becomes silent. Everyone lies down on their back with closed eyes for 15 minutes.

Make sure people get a chance to share later, in the group.

Featured image (detail) by Andrej Lišakov via Unsplash


Madhuri is a healer, artist, poet and author of several books, Reluctantly to Kunzum La being her latest one. madhurijewel.com

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