Osho states, “I say unto you there is no evil, and there are no evil forces in the world.”
Keerti writes that our sensitivity is a door to our inner being and the outer universe. Published in The Asian Age on March 18, 2019.
On the morning of what he calls his “real final awakening,” Adyashanti wrote the following to one of his teachers, Zen master Jakusho Kwong Roshi:
Surendra’s review of a new book based on a series of talks Osho gave in Hindi in 1965, entitled Samadhi Ke Teen Charan.
This very relevant far-reaching essay by Dr Kathy Forti was published on trinfiniti8.com on September 2015.
Zen Gardner looks at the ongoing changes and shifts that are having an incredible impact on humanity, bringing about much needed change in consciousness.
Zen Gardner publishes thought-provoking and revealing articles on global and spiritual matters. Thank you for this one, Zen!