Marion Atmo asks what Easter can tell us – and finds out it is a way of surrender and love.
“I want five thousand rebellious spirits, five thousand burning torches, lights unto themselves,” declares Osho.
“It was a great insight of Jesus to send Thomas to South India where it was possible to preach and spread Jesus’ word.”
Nan In said to the archbishop, “Whoever has written these sentences will become a buddha in some future life.”
Osho states that “… it is certain that I have been poisoned by Ronald Reagan’s American government.” He describes in detail his experiences after his arrest in Charlotte and his accumulating health issues since.
The mediocre ones will always yield to you, but the one who is not mediocre will rebel because the very quality of his mind is rebellious, writes Keerti. Published in the Deccan Chronicle on October 14, 2019.
Osho says, “When you surrender, the door opens. So don’t bother much where to surrender, simply think about more and more surrendering.”
Through his cross, Jesus Christ is asking us to avoid the conflict between mind and consciousness, writes artist Pratiksha Apurv. Published in Speaking Tree on December 22, 2018.
Osho says, “Neither those who are living through fear nor those who are living through greed are going to enter into the kingdom of God, but only those who are living in tremendous joy, thankfulness and gratitude.”
Pope Francis’ general audience featured a surprise guest appearance when a small boy ran onto the podium. All those who judged this spontaneous child, had to eat their words later. Published on BBC on November 28, 2018.
Kul Bhushan looks into the mounting evidence of many curious similarities between Jesus Christ and Krishna.
Osho says, “If you have accepted your being – finished. Your journey has come to an end. Now you can flower.” From our series 1001 Tales, compiled by Shanti.
The practitioners of Osho’s meditations have been experimenting with these methods in all sorts of life situations, and places, writes Keerti in the Deccan Chronicle on July 4, 2017.
“The final thing to be understood about the tirtha is the value of symbolic acts,” explains Osho. From ‘Hidden Mysteries’, Ch 2, Part 8 of 9.
Carved lead codices found in Jordan in 2008 and said to contain references to Jesus, have now been authenticated.
This question has been hovering in me for years. A few times you have talked around it, but this has mystified me more, so please enlighten.
Much evidence has been shown in books and documentaries about Jesus not having died on the cross but having traveled to India where his remains are kept, writes Bhagawati.
Kaiyum reviews Alan Jacobs’ book about what happened during the nineteen years of Jesus’ life missing from the Bible.
Now is my time. I don’t think anybody has spoken in a dentist’s chair. I feel privileged. I see buddhas envious of me.
Science is used to flesh out the face of religion, writes Liz Leafloor in Ancient Origins on December 16, 2015.
Bible believers are beside themselves about the prospect that marriage norms and laws are changing, says Valeri Tarico at Raw Story.
Today, October 19, 2013, American Biblical scholar Joseph Atwill will be appearing before the British public for the first time to present a controversial new discovery which is bound to upset ardent believers.
Beloved Osho, My whole being bows to your feet, but it is very difficult for me to take my eyes from your beautiful, radiant being, when you greet us coming and going in the morning. Am I missing by peeking? Is this attachment to your physical presence and form something that has to be transcended?
A quite sensational discovery has been made recently that most likely won’t be too pleasing to the Pope and the pundits at the Vatican.
Osho suggests to Christians to focus on Christ’s resurrection rather than on his death during these celebrations